♡Chapter 11♡

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♡Robin's P.O.V♡
"Robin so what's for today's schedule?" Star asks.

"Well I actually haven't planned anything for today. Anything you want to do special or something?" I asked.

"Can we make the brownies Robin?" Star smiles.

"Sure love to. I think cooking with my girlfriend is a great thing to do. Are you ready to cook?" I asked.

"Mhm." She nods.

30 minutes later.....
"Mmmm I smell brownies." Cyborg walks in the room.

"Oh the good afternoon to you friend Cyborg enjoy a brownie." Starfire replies.

"Don't mind if I do." As he puts the brownie in his mouth.

Star smiles to see that Cyborg loves them. She floats down and I put my hands out to catch her and she lands in my arms.

"Um you two I'm making a surprise for the two of you and I was wondering who's room can I decorate for it?" Cyborg asked.

"Um Star's room she'll move in with me. So take her room. I already moved her stuff out her room." I told him.

"Oh okay then thanks for your time you guys." Cyborg walks out.

"I wonder what the surprise is?" I replied.

Then I heard the titans crime alert went off.

"It's Cinderblock." I replied.

We all ran into battle and Star flies out of my arms and flew to the elevator. As we walked out the tower I stopped her.

"Robin what's wrong?" Starfire asks.

"Star I don't know how to say this but I need you to stay home." Robin says.

"Are u sure?" She asks.

I nodded in response. Sadly she nods back and goes and lays on the couch.

"Don't worry Robin she'll be fine." Raven says.

As the battle went on, Star was always on my mind and I couldn't stop worrying about her and wanted this fight to end so I could go home to her but as my thought was sidetracked by a mere dodge of cinderblock attack. I had to take him down now and kicked him knocking him down.

"Nice work titans!" As we finished up I get a call from Star.

"Star what's going on?" Then all of a sudden I hear a long thud from her communicator as I assume she fell.

I immediately drove home to find Star on the ground passed. I carried Star to our room and laid in bed with her. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness of the room as she wakes up. I then rubbed her stomach. She then puts her hand on mines.

"Starfire how could you be so careless I told you to be safe. What happened to you? Why were u on the ground?" I replied.

"I know I know I apologize Robin for now on I'll be careful. Plus i wanted something to eat but i kinda slipped. So im sorry." Starfire replies.

"I dont want you to push yourself to hard honey. Star I don't want to lose you please don't get hurt. I hate seeing you get hurt." I told her.

"Robin it's my fault and the baby is the best thing I ever wanted. Robin if you want this baby with me I need your complete trust that together we will keep the baby safe. And i promise ill be more careful." Starfire replies.

"I'm sorry im just worried about you. I think that sounds fair enough to me Star. I love you I wasn't trying to yell at you I was worried about you and the baby of ours. Don't worry Star I will change starting now." I replied.

"What do you mean. You promised me to stay the same." Starfire replies.

"Yeah but as my soon to be wife I was thinking about taking the next step forward in our lives." I told her.

"Your soon to be wife I don't know what to say, Robin." Starfire acts excited.

"Starfire my beautiful angel will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I asked her with her ring in my hand.

Starfire eyes widened and she sends tears down her face.

"Oh Robin I love you. My answer is yes I will be honored to marry you." She let's the tears fall down her face and I placed the ring on her finger and I had the remaining of my moment to kiss her.

As her face was still a little pale I still care about her sickness. I gave her a soft but lingering kiss on her lips to make her feel better. She was so fragile she's so sad when I kissed her.

"Cheer up Star my wife should be always be happy no matter what happens." I kissed her nose.

She giggles and smiles.

"Thanks Robin for everything you done." Starfire replies.

"Your so welcome Star." I kissed her forehead and she falls asleep.

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