♡Chapter 12♡

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♡Starfire's POV♡
I heard Robin's voice and I was wondering what he was talking about.

"Yo Rob how's Star?" I Cyborg asked.

"She's great." Robin replies depressed.

"Why you upset?" Cyborg asked.

"Oh Robbie-poo we have to talk?" Kitten's back.

She then takes his hand and they walked into the main room together. I walked out of the room and I walked up to the Main room to find Robin. I hesitated and walked in. My heart shatters my eyes can't be seeing this right.

"Robin." I replied.

"Oh hi Star." Kitten replies.

"Robin why would you how could you with her." I replied.

"Star no I didn't do that. Please believe me." Robin says.

"Robin I think you should give this to someone else." I gave him back the ring and I ran.

"Starfire. Wait!" He calls for me.

But I kept running. Then BB comes into my room and talks to me. He's like my brother to me.

"Star what happened in there?" BB says.

"Robin had done the lip contact with someone else. I fear he was not the one for me to love." I told him.

"What no it must've been her kissing him. Remember when you and Robin were out on that date with Kitten and she tried kissing him but what happened?" He says.

"He never kissed her. He loved me." I told him.

"Go talk to him." BB says.

I walked out and then Kitten grabs me and cuts me with a knife on my arm and punches me and she punches me again and again and I blackout.


"Starfire." I heard Robin.

I opened my eyes and I saw him. I got angry and I grabbed him by his shirt.

"Robin I'm mad at you. Why are you here? I don't want you anymore." I replied.

"I do on the other hand." Robin shouts at me.

"Robin never kissed Kitten I seen it with my own eyes Star she's the one to blame." Raven and Cyborg says.

"Ya'll are lairs." I scratch Robin's face that leaves permanent scars.

"Star why would you do that. Robin loves you he's the one who ever loved you no one just you. He never kissed her and he punched her down just to save your life and the baby." BB says as he walks in.

"What." I was desperate.

"Robin is here for you Star please believe him." Raven says.

"Star I'm so sorry Kitten grabs me and pulls me into a kiss I didn't respond to her and I hate her. I had enough of her Star. Please let me in." Robin says.

"Why should I trust you?" I asked.

"Because I love you. No one in this world can change my mind but you. But I never gave up on you. Would the one you love never be there? Would he never hold you close or kiss you goodnight? Would I had got you pregnant in the first place if I didn't love you?" Robin asked.

I thought all about what he said and now I know that I was wrong about him. He's right he's always been right.

"Robin." Tears fall down my face.

"Awwwwwwe Star it's okay." Robin says.

I hugged him and he hugs me back but never let go.

"Robin I'm so sorry I wasn't listening to you." I told him.

"Cry it out Star I love you Star. I'm here for you." He says.

"Robin I never knew you were right and I now regret throwing the ring in your hand. Please will you take me back?" I cried and looked him straight in his eyes.

"Star you thought I wasn't going to?" Robin kisses my forehead.

I looked into his eyes and he places the shiny emerald carrot ring on my finger.

"I love you Star." Robin kisses me on my lips.

"I love you Robin I'm so sorry." I replied.

"Shhh Star I'm more worried about you and the baby how's the baby doing?" Robin asked.

"Oh the baby is fine." I sighed in relief.

"Okay then get some rest you have to go be checked by Raven in a X-ray test." Robin replies.

"Oh okay then good night Robin."

"Goodnight my beautiful angel." Robin holds me in his arms.

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