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I know I'm supposed to be asleep but sleeping next to Haru kind of makes me uncomfortable even though it shouldn't. We're brothers, it should be fine.

I untangle myself from Haru's sleeping form and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. A conversation with Juuzen led me to believe that sometimes having urges like these was normal and the best way to get rid of them was a cold shower. I turned on the water and let the tension empty out of my body.

"Ren?" I slipped in the tub at the sound of his voice.

"Ren?!" Haru went up to me and picked me up out of the shower and held me against his body.

"Haru let go you'll get wet." I try to wriggle free from his grasp. "I'm naked Haru!" His grasp tightens around me.

"Sorry Ren. Did I scare you?" Haru's eyebrows crease with worry, he ignores my pleas.

"I'm fine."

"Why a shower in the middle of the night?"

I blush and bury my head on his chest.
"No reason. I'm already done so let me go." I struggle again and finally he puts me down. I feel his eyes travel up and down my body as I dry myself off. I don't know if Haru feels exactly what I do for him but I wish he would. I wish he would look at me like a lover instead of kid.

We go back to bed together with out another word.

Haru POV

Seeing Ren naked...what a sight. Even his butt cheeks are cute. I smack myself mentally. Ren is still a kid! I'm not going to touch him.

Work passes by quickly and before I know it it's already late. Wait... CRAP IT'S LATE. REN TOLD ME HE WANTED ME TO VISIT HIS SCHOOL SINCE HE GOT IN A PLAY.

....I check my phone. 10:55 pm. The play was 3 hours ago. I see a couple missed calls from Ren and my heart twists. It wouldn't have been that hard to go but it completely slipped my mind. I'd bought Ren a phone when he first started living with me so in case of emergencies or something he could contact me.

I immediately call him back and he answers on the first ring.


"Ren I'm so sorry I missed the play! I'm sure you did well. How was it?" I hope that he's not upset.

"Its alright I knew it must have been work. I shouldn't have asked. It was ok."

"Haru! Come on! Let's go grab a drink! I'd loveeeee to hear you talk more." One of my regulars comes up to me and slides a finger down my chest. "Everyone's going to drink you should come." Her voice is overly seductive and obnoxious.

"I can't right now-" I push her hand away.

"I got to go Haru. Bye." Ren's voice sounds strangely upset.

"Oi! Ren!" All I hear is dead silence on the other end and I try redialing him but all I get is his voicemail.

"Oops. My bad." The woman giggles. "Did I interrupt your call? Now that you're free let's go out!" I want to slap her.

"Not right now. I'm sorry but I just don't have the free time. Another day." I give her a charming smile even though it's the exact opposite of how I feel.

"Haru! There you are. Nibura said you wanted to talk to me?" Akito pulls me away from the girl. Where did he come from? "Sorry Yumiko I have to steal this man away from you. Might I say you look stunning as always." Akito grins at her a bit too sweetly and she giggles.

"Your laying it on thick man." I whisper to him.

"Shut up and let's just go." Akito mutters. "We can criticize my host skills another time."
(≧∇≦)/ hope you liked


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