The Call

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"Wait your not seriously going to-" The woman falls silent.

"Ahhh!" My eyes fly open as I cry out in pain. My arms are tied to the chair I'm sitting in so my hands can't reach for the bleeding gash on left side of my forehead. I growl at him as I feel the blood slide down my face and dribble down into my left eye.

"Lying about being asleep were you? You don't play games with adults boy. Did you think you could listen in on our conversation?" A beefy middle aged looking guy with salt and pepper hair glares at me. I meet him glare for glare. If he thinks he can intimidate me then he's wrong.

From what I did manage to catch I know that they want to use me as bait in some kind of plan involving Haru.

"You might want to get cozy in that chair kid. You won't be going anywhere for a while." The old man grins wickedly.

I take a glance at the woman that slapped me before sitting in the other chair close to me. She has long black hair that frames her face and falls past her shoulders, stopping at her waist. She seems elegant in every sense of the word.

How could someone like her involve herself in something like this?

I slump back in the chair when the man turns and heads out the door that I heard before.

Haru POV

Ren must still be asleep. I'll just grab a bite and head to bed.

When I reach for the handle on the fridge I notice a note in Ren's handwriting stuck to it.


I'm going to the school to get some notes I forgot. Don't wait up for me I'll be fine. Welcome home.


School? This late?! His coat is still hanging in the hallway and it's chilly outside. Why was he in such a rush to leave? With that stalker on the loose I shouldn't be leaving him alone.

I hurriedly put on my shoes and just when I'm about to head out I get a call.

Ren calling...

Ren?! Phew, this must mean he's ok. I answer the call.

"Hellooooo Haru. Oh geez this is the first time I get to call you! I'm soooooo nervous." A feminine voice that's definitely not Ren's starts babbling. "My name is Asuka Miya. You're a very charming host and I love-"

Asuka Miya?! How did she get Ren's phone?! Don't tell me she already got to him.

"Can we please cut to the chase? Why are you calling from Ren's phone?"

Her voice seems oddly familiar..... If she has Ren's phone then that means she did manage to get ahold of Ren.

Crap, when Akito said she might make a move I didn't think it would be this fast or that her first target might be Ren instead of me.

"Well that's rude to interrupt a lady Haru but since it's you I'll let it slide. I'm calling from Ren's phone because I have him."

"You have Ren? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM? WHERE IS HE?!" My vision suddenly turns red and I feel numb with rage.

How could she have taken my Ren?!?!

The only who is allowed to touch him is me!

A strong possessive urge that I've never felt before rises up in me and threatens to consume me. Only I can have Ren. NO ONE ELSE.

Dammit this is all my fault for leaving him here alone! It seems like everything I do in some way hurts Ren. When it comes to Ren I'm always at a loss with how to handle him. I should have taken better care of him and not been so careless.

I take a deep breath to calm myself. Why am I getting so worked up over this? If I don't keep a clear head I might make things worse than they already are.

I'll get Ren back no matter what it takes.


Zzzzzzz. Hope you guys liked this chap. Sorry for the long wait. I've been questioning the meaning of life and whatnot. I'm almost done working on the next chap so hopefully I'll have it done for you guys very soon. :0 thanks for putting up with me.


You guys are so nice Whouffleandsnuggles zeref-ismine GaRen_ tiffypaul and everyone else ❤ thanks

P.s. in the next chap I'll probably include a drawing I did that somehow turned out looking like Misaki from Junjou...

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