The Things I Do For Money

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"... So we will have to borrow some more money, but I can assure you this event will gain the company a lot of publicity and- if we play our cards right- some potential new partners,"

Ned Stark was a very stubborn man, Petyr was finding. Robert Baratheon (president of Baratheon Throne Co) had insisted on throwing a company party, in the honour of his new Vice President, Eddard Stark.

Petyr was called in to advise Robert and the rest of his council on how they were going to afford it. Petyr thought it was a very good opportunity for the company to branch out. Ned thought it was a stupid idea and a waste of time.

"I don't like the idea of borrowing more money," Ned stated gruffly, "we don't need to throw a ridiculous party-it'll be a waste of time and money. Money that isn't ours!"

"Mr Stark, I'm afraid I have to agree with Littlefinger on this one. This party has the potential to unify some of the major rivalling business in England. We could invite the Lannisters, the Greyjoys, the Tullys, the Tyrells... And we could even go as far as to invite the Martells from Dorne. This party has so much more potential than just another social event, Eddard. Don't let this opportunity go to waste,"

This was said by Varys. Petyr couldn't help but agree with him, as much as he cringed at the use of his nickname. Petyr wasn't entirely sure what Varys did for Robert or the Baratheon Throne Company, but he thought that it was something to do with publicity and media. As well as spying on other companies, but that was only a rumour of course. A rumour that Petyr certainly believed.

The rest of the council murmured their agreement with Varys. In addition to himself, Varys and Ned, there was Renly, Robert's younger brother; Mr Pycell (who frankly didn't do very much for the company); and Barriston Selmy, an old but strong man who had been in Robert's service for many years. There had been Stannis Baratheon, Robert's other brother, but he had left the previous year to start up his own business with a strange woman name Melisandre.

"It's a good idea Ned. The party will go ahead anyway since the majority of the council agree to it, so you might as well try and see reason." Robert told Ned.

Ned frowned and folded his arms, but nevertheless uttered: "I suppose it isn't the worst idea you've ever had, Robert,"

The company president grinned widely. "There you go Ned! I told you all he'd come around!"


"So, how was your wedding Mr Baelish?" Varys asked Petyr as they exited the conference room.

Petyr grimaced at the memory. It had been a horrible ceremony. Lysa Tully had looked purely revolting in that pink dress of hers, and he could scarcely believe she had allowed her son to wear jeans a a t-shirt to a wedding.

He also had trouble recalling that night without vomiting. Lysa was not an attractive woman in any way, but he found her even more disgusting as she was lying completely naked on his-no, their- bed, screaming as loud and as unattractive as humanly possible. Petyr had seriously contemplated ending his own life in that moment.

'The things I do for money,' he thought to himself. The only thing that had got him through that day was Lysa's beautiful niece, Sansa Stark. He'd actually mistaken her for Catelyn at his first glance, but as he looked closer he saw she was taller, had paler skin and longer legs, and lighter hair that appeared to shine in the otherwise gloomy church hall. She was much more beautiful that Cat had ever been. He cursed that Lysa was keeping close eyes on him that day, and he only had enough time to enjoy a talk with her outside the church hall along with a few passing words, as well as a single dance with her before Lysa stole him away again. He remembered that dance fondly. She was as tall as him, in her heels, and they were pressed up close as they swayed to the music. Sansa seemed so elegant and graceful in her movements, Petyr wondered if she did dance lessons. He had his hand on her waist, and hers on his shoulder, and their other hands intertwined. It took Petyr a lot of self control to resist from kissing here right there and then. But she was young. Probably too young to be interested than an older man such as himself.

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