Whores, Clubs and a Seemingly Corrupt Uncle

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Sansa would have stormed straight upstairs if it wasn't for her mother's voice calling her into the kitchen as she entered the house.

Sansa dragged herself into the room, clearly annoyed that she was being pulled away from the bed she so desired to take a nap in.

She quickly corrected her posture as she noticed that her mother had a guest in the room.

Her aunt Lysa was wearing a green dress (Sansa was thankful that it didn't cling to her as tight as her wedding dress had) and had her Tully-red hair braided into plaits behind her head. A clear attempt to look younger, but it did nothing for the poor woman.

"Sansa! It's so good to see you!" Her aunt Lusa exclaimed as she came over and trapped her in a hug, smile false and wide plastered onto her face. Sansa had gotten very good at reading people's emotions over the past few years, and her aunt was an open book. She may say one thing, but it was clear that her aunt was in fact very displeased to see her.

"Good to see you too, aunt Lysa," Sansa tried to sound cheery, but it came out as nothing more than a mumble.

"We were just discussing what to wear for your father's party in a fortnight!" Lysa ignored Sansa's less than acceptable greeting, "I'm sure you'd like to join us, us girls do love to talk about fashion," she giggled and it was one of the most ugly sounds that Sansa had ever heard. And while Sansa did enjoy talking endlessly about which dressed would fit what sort of party best with Margaery, she would rather die than discuss such things with her mother and Aunt Lysa.

"What party?" Sansa asked, she had heard nothing of such a thing.

"Robert Baratheon is holding a party in Ned's honour next weekend-typical of him to decide such last minute-and I was just suggesting to Lysa that we go out shopping for new dresses, it will be a very fancy party by the sounds of it." Catelyn told her daughter in regard to her question, "where's Arya by the way?"

"She's on her way with Gendry, I walked ahead of them," Samsa informed her mother.

"I hope you weren't mean to that poor lad again, just because he isn't rich like us doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings!" Her mother scolded.

"I beg to differ!" Lysa scoffed, "we are clearly far superior to any peasant sorts like your daughter enjoys the company of. I'm surprised you tolerate it!"

Catelyn pursed her lips and Sansa made a quick excuse about having homework to get done before scurrying up the stairs to her room. 

She collapsed on her bed with a sigh, in the room the she was forced to share with Arya. It wasn't long before she heard the front door slam shut and Arya's laugh echo throughout the house. She heard them clamour up the stairs to the top floor. Sansa tensed up, anticipating having to face the pair that she had heavily insulted before. She breathed a sigh of relief when she head Arya crash into the adjacent room, which belonged to Jon, and Theon when he was home from uni. Not that he was really ever around during the day time when he was home, Theon liked to spend his time drinking and fucking with whatever girlfriend he had that week.

Sansa liked Jon much more than Theon. Jon worked night shifts at a night club called Castle Black, so spend most of his day sleeping whenever he'd been working. Jon wasn't one to play with women's hearts too. He had a nice girlfriend called Ygritte who he'd been dating for close to three years. They couldn't even be around Rickon without being bombarded by questions of when they'll get married.

Part of Sansa wished she could have a good relationship like them. Joffrey had beat her and insulted her; and she had practically given up on Loras ever since she saw him making out with Renly Baratheon at one of his parties that she'd been invited too by Margaery. It wasn't that she didn't get male attention, she certainly did, but she found that all the boys interested in her only wanted sex or were just not her type.

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