7th century

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"Oh Klaus, you know well why I'm here,don't you?" I ask him as I turned around to look at him with the book in my hand. He's been keeping things from me and I hate it , even if I've meet him just one time.

"Yeah, i suspected that, why don't you sit down and leave this place with the book?" He said and slowly walked towards me, like he was scared.... of me.

"No, I've seen thoose facial changes and it's driving me insane!" I spat angrily and procedded my way towards the door with the book in my hand.

"Oh you ain't gonna leave this place!" He said and jumped on me only to snap my neck and slowly I was consumed with darkness.

Klaus POV

I can't let her know why I want her, or else she's gonna leave this place. I have her because I want her to help me connect myself with my mother. I pick Billie up in my arms and carried her to the basement to lock her up. I really needed a witch to delete what she knows about her true identity. I called the one and only witch that hated me and really wanted me dead. Bonnie.

" So Klaus why are you calling me?" she ask me and i could hear the bitterness when she spoke.

"Both you and I know I wouldn't call if I don't have a reason, so I need you here in half an hour!" I snapped at Bonnie so I could scare her a little.

I'm there in 15 minutes." she sighted and hung up. She didn't even argue and hun up really!!!.


I woke up chained onto a chair and the first thing I saw was Klaus smirking while talking to Bonnie. Why is she here? I know her from when I first moved here, she wanted me to teach her how to do magic. But I didn't expect her to leave me alone after learning. And now dear people, she's here, to make me forget?

Bonnies POV

He wants me to make Billie forget about her past? Huh, why not, I've waited to make her suffer, dont ask me why. And now is my time.

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