The Rising.

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In 1980 , i was 20 Years old and it was time for Seno to Be released from Prison. And i was There , infront of Prison , waiting for him with a cigarette in my mouth and i had bought a Lamborghini Contach. Finally , Seno came out. He saw me and he had a priceless Smile on his face. He Started to clap , approached me and said "Mich , You look nice" and hugged me. I replied " Dude , what happened to you ? You look , old and Ugly" Seno smirked and replied "Thats what prison does to you. What's that car there ?" he asked in A surprised manner. I replied with a smile on my face "Thats a lamborghini Contach. And its yours" Seno had a big smile on his face that expressed how glad he was. I also noticed that Seno had Tattoes on both his wrists. I asked in curiosity "What's that on your wrist ?" Seno just jumped and said "Let me just driVe that car and i'll tell you" then he took the keys from my hand and we got into the car. He Burned out infront of the jail , got out of the window amd said "Fu*k you Old house !" then he got the car to 160kph. And said to me while laughing "My right wrist says "Our names will go down in history" and my left wrist says " it is better to burn out , than fade away." i replied with confusion on my face "Since when did you get so , Philosophical ?" He replied "I had two cell mates. And One of them named Jared Steams , he told us the harsh realities of life. These are one of his sayings. He was really an inspiration for me. And the other one was Nathan Cross. He was kind of a Schizopherenic." i replied "Oh so , you had a great time in jail ?" Seno replied with a smirk on his face "Yes. Thanks to you. And by the way , how did you get this fancy car ?". I replied with regret on my face "(Sighs) You took the fall for me , and i , Carried on your work. And slow down man ! You're gonna get us killed." Seno slowed down the car and said "Hey ! , dont feel sorry for me , i had a great time . I made some new friends. And i had time to think about life. And what was my mission that you carried on ?" I replied "I joined the fight clubs. And i still go by the name "NewBlood" and i'm pretty famous. And people , ask favours from me." Seno replied with a Smile on his face "I've been doing the same. Infact , i'm meeting a guy in Bar21 that'll hit us up with a contact. (Whispers) its moving cocaine" i panicked "What the f**k Seno ! Out of jail and already upto Yoir old habits ? Just lay low for a while man" and he replied while laughing like a maniac "I dont care man. Seems like you have grown a soft spot. Remember , Our names must go down in history. Or else we're just like the ordinary people who Survive in this injustice" i , once again was confused. I started and said "So , where are we going ?" Seno replied Excitedly "Club21 . We're moving up the food chain. We'll no longer survive on stealing from the poor. Its time to start robbing the people responsible." I sadly said to him "S-seno , Shall we atleast visit your mother ?" Seno replied with no emotion at all " look michael. I know she's dead , dont feel bad about it. You did the right thing" I replied (Shocked) "How the f**k could you possibly know that ? I thought that we could go to my house and have something to drink and i'll break the news to you". Seno replied "i know that mum died. And i'm also aware of who killed her." I hesitatingly asked "Who ?" he replied "My Dad the Fuc**r." (Whispers) "And i also know that you killed him and i'm soo fu**ing proud !" i replied nerVously "Arent you gonna visit your mum at her grave ?" Seno hiding emotions replied "Nahh man , i'm just proud of what ya did. " i asked i curiosity "How did you know that i killed your father ?" Seno replied "there were pictures in the newspaper , And i figured that he too got his head smashed in with a crowbar by an amateur." i replied "I buried your mother , with my hands and i noticed her Ribs Missing , and her teeth missing. So i figured , that it was the work of that assho*e. I just couldnt stan- " Seno said "dude , no explaination necessary. I'm proud of what you did. Now lets hit that Bar. " I sighed and replied "Drinks are on me" then we reached Bar21. And there was a mysterious gug waiting for us . He said "You Seno ?" Seno replied in a Cheerful manner "who else would it be silly ?" the guy made a serious face and said "dont get Friendly with me , i will blow you " And the guy showed his gun to us. I said "poor choice of words bro." and Seno said "hey ! Yes i'm seno get to business." The guy replied "There is a truck waiting in a warehouse , its filled with Cocaine. You have to distribute it among City's locals." Seno said " I accept. So does this guy (pointing at me)" i surprisingly replied "Whoa whoa whoa , seno , fightclubs are one thing. But dealing Cocaine ? Thats a crime" Seno replied "c'mon wake up Michael. "Newblood" ? Its time to make a name for yourself. The rich as*holes have Lived long enough. The mysterious guy said "Wait , did you say "Newblood" ? That guy is a badass" Seno Shockingly replied "Newblood ? He knows you ? Damn man , how do you know michael ? mister Mysterious ?" the mysterious guy replied "That kid (points at me) he is doubles my income everytime. He knows how to fight. He's a wild dog." Seno said "Alright ! Alright ! Whats going on here , be straight with me." i replied "Fightclub's are not just Underground Thing now. They have evolved , they have cages now , More audience , More , inVestors and more fighters. At has become a business." The mysterious guy continued "And this kid here (points at me) he is the real champ in almost all the fight clubs." Seno said to me happily "Way to go you As*hole ! You really did made me proud" then the mysterious guy Told us all the details about the job.....
It was finally night time..... Seno was pretty excited , and we broke into the warehouse. It was empty . There was just the truck , filled with cocaine. More cocaine than i have ever seen in my life. And Seno said "Lets get in and lets get out." then we took the truck out , roaming the city , with nobody noticing us. Seno said "Lets have some fun." then he drove towards a police station. I panicked "What the hell seno ! You wanna get arrested again !?!?!" and he replied "I have become a manipulator , And that is a gift that God dosent Give everyone." we stopped our truck right infront of the police station. Seno picked up a 1Kilo packed cocaine (Packed in plastic sheet) he also placed the cocaine Pack in a box. And walked right in. There was no Emotion at his face , and thats why nobody noticed if anything was wrong. And ofcourse i was with him. Scared. And he just walked upto the receptionist and said "I have to talk to the chief" the receptionist girl replied "What is it about ?" He replied "Its about the murder victims of Jared steams. The Receptionist Had horror on her face she gasped and gave me and seno a visitors badge . We walked right past The metal detector and we werent caught ! . Seno was totally calm. And he entered The chief's office. And he sat down on the chair. The chief was a woman named Sarah Hitchcock . And she said "I have been told that you have information regarding the murders commited by Jared steams. That basterd is the reason i Have sleepless nights." and Seno replied "I am here to Make a proposition." SArah replied "What kind of proposition ?" Seno replied "there is 1 kilo cocaine in this box and i want you to buy it from me" The chief laughed and said "Good joke ! Now info , about Jared." Seno he held the chief's hand and replied "Listen sarah . I am not kidding , i really have cocaine. And if you Scream or refuse , first i'll break your hand . Then i'll testify that you , yourself told me to bring this cocaine. And it even got past your security. I'll put my hand on the bible and Lie , i dont give a damn. So either you buy it from me , or Lose your job and your career and even have a broken hand !. Tell me , whats it gonna be ?. Sarah tried to be brave and said to seno "You cant do this i'm the chief !" she tried to stand up , and (Crack) seno broke one of her finger.(the little one) she screamt but none of the detectiVes heard her. And she said "Okay okay ! I'll buy it !" Seno said "Great ! I'll be reasonable. 3500 dollars." chief replied "3500 dollars !? Forget it !. (Tries to scream for help) Seno broke her middle finger. She screamt in pain. I said "Damn it Seno ! Just stop it". Seno replied furiously "Dont get soft on me now , bro !. These as*holes have lived the life of Enjoyment for too long". The chief screamt "Okay okay ! I'll pay !" She took 3500 dollars out of her desk and handed it to Seno. Seno stood up and said "See ? Thats what happens when you do not co-operate." we left her room. And we got out Safe and sound. (While in the truck) i asked Seno "You completely lost yourself there man ! What happened ?" Seno replied with a smirk on his face "Brother mine , She was actually laundering Resources from the police department. She is really rich. And she also has her detectiVes Sell cocaine , weed , heroine and meth. And nobody talks against her , because she is a powerful Bit*h". I replied "But -" SEno said "But nothing." he patted me on my face and said "Your heart agrees with you and the situation . But your Brain is trying to Think up a reason to argue. Because it hard for it to accept reality" i questioned "Which is ?" Seno replied "That we , the human race , are fu*ked" C'mon we still got 5 kilo more cocaine to sell. Then Seno hitted the accelerator and said "Lets hit another stop , that'll make us legendary" then he Stopped infront of a Hospital. And he turned to me and said "Do you know how many people start taking drugs Yearly , mainly because of depression ?" I replied "No i dont. And this is a hospital , do not sell Coke here." Seno replied with a smirk "well neither do i. But i know that Depression is the main cause." then he Placed cocaine in a box and walked straight into the hospital. A nurse approached him and asked "Who are you and whats in that box ?" Seno replied calmly "I possess a Delivery belonging to Doctor Richards he needed these supplies for the synthesis of some medicines." Nurse replied "Alright buddy , show me some ID or some permission." I replied "I am sorry for my assisstant's behaviour. He is not allowed to Talk to people and he does not have medicine synthesizers he has Doctor Richards Personal items. The nurse saw innocence in my eyes i think and she sighed and replied "Move along gentlemen". Seno and i entered a laboratory inside the hospital and Seno asked "Who's incharge here ?" from a Scientist. The scientist replied "Doctor Calvin Will is." and we walked right into doctor Calvin's Office and closed the door. Seno placed the box on the doctors table and said "Hey there doc !" Calvin replied in a disturbed manner "Please state your business . If you dont have any business , you do not belong". (Then Calvin stood up). Seno Grabbed him from his neck and said "Doctor. I'll make it simple , you buy this Coke from us , or we'll simply kill you and burn this fu**ing hospital to the ground." Calvin laughed and said "so naïve to Force me To buy this coke ! Then he screamt (Guar-UUuuhhggg !) Seno Was squeezing Calvin's Throat and Seno said "Look doc , I have a proposition you'll be interested in" Calvin (while keeping his voice down) "Okay ! Lets just sit down and talk about it." then we sat down like Civilized people and Seno purposed "I know that you people synthesize medicines that make people Dependent on them. And i'm here with cocaine , you can add cocaine to your medicines and your Sales would go up . Hence Profiting both of us. Do you understand ?" calvin asked with confusion on his face "Not a bad idea. But this is a rumor , and my medicines do not make people dependent upon them. And i will not buy Cocaine from you !" Seno was about to charge the doctor but i calmed him down and I whispered to Seno "Let me handle him" i sat down with The doctor and Said "Doctor Calvin. This rumor is true wether you confirm it or not. And we just wanna help you make the medicines more Dependitive. If thats even a word "(I smiled) . The doctor also laughed and said "Alright ..... How much ?" Seno replied "3000$" The doctor said "We have a deal !" he kept the cocaine and we kept the money ..... Then we left the hospital and while in the Truck seno asked me "How did you do that ?" I replied "Some people just need a little persuasion. Intermidation does not work on them. It makes them feel , Small and powerless. While persuasion makes them feel like The other person understands his situation , and The victim agrees." Seno sarcastically replied "Thats some Inspirational Shit Michael (Laughs)" "C'mon we've got more cocaine to sell" he said with a smile on his face.
Then we rode to our other Destinations. We had 3 kilo cocaine left , and Seno sold some to Disgruntled business men he found in bars , and some to homeless people and some , he sold to police officers.
In the morning , We had done our Job and we had nearly 12000 dollars. We met the Mysterious guy at bar21 , again and he said "Goodjob you guys !. My clients would be very pleased. Since this is your first job , you guys keep half the money. 60000dollars. And you guys sure you wont get into trouble ? Cuz if you do , dont point the finger at us. Then he stood up , and said "Oh and by the way , Newblood , A talent scout is coming to our usual figh club. Be sure to show him something special." then he left. Seno jumped with Joy and said "Are you fu*king kidding me !? 60000 dollars on our first job ! Ahh its like Christmas. So what do you wanna buy?" he asked me. I replied , lets spend all that in one day. The next moment , we had bought Gentlemen's over coats tailored like they were mode for our bodies. Seno said "Nahh , thats not it , i need more." we went to a black market. Seno bought an assault rifle and 2 uzi's for me. He himself , being a man of different taste , bought a Grenade launcher and an AK-47. I Said to what he had bought "What the f*ck Seno!" Seno replied "What ? Am i not supposed to have fun , with money we just made ?".....
The next day , I woke up , my mother knocked and entered. She said "Angelica , she's old enough to be married. And she , isnt interested in anyone. " i replied "Mum , why are you saying all this to me ?" Mother replied "I think , Seno , would be the best choice." (The next moment i asked Seno about Angela's marriage) (Seno's reaction) "ARE YOU FU*KING KIDDING ME ! SHE'S A SISTER TO ME ! SHE DESERVES A BETTER GUY THAN ME. SHE WOULD'ND BE HAPPY BEING MARRIED TO A PSYCHOPATH THAN ME !. I replied "Hey , dude calm down. I just asked by my mother's request. Seno held my hand and said come with me. He dragged me to my house , sat down with my mother and said in a very serious manner "Mother of my brother , I understand that i am one of the candidates for your daughter , my sister's marriage." mother replied "Yes , you are my only choice." Seno replied "I know that you think i'm the perfect guy . Your daughter's very pretty , but i cant have her. I love her as a sister. I cant marry her. " Angela overheard us and stormed into the room and said and hugged Seno, she smiled and said "Seno , i love you too. Its true that i dont love anyone else. And you are a brother to me . Thank you....." then she left the room. Mother with a smile on her face said to Seno "I hope that she finds a husband like you" Seno mumbled "Please Dont hope that". Then we left the house. Seno said "Lets have a drink." we went to bar21 sat down and Seno asked me a question , he asked "You really wanna know why i took the fall for you ? Why i went to jail for you ?" i replied almost immediately "Yes ! I wanna know ! There hasnt been a single night that i had'nt regretted that moment." Seno replied "Because when you Threw that stone at that Vendor , i realized that you will take a stand against injustice you will do the right thing no matter what happens. And i would be proud to take a fall for that kind of guy." i replied "Seno , i appreciate That , but , what about your future ? Its ruined because of that jail record. Seno smiled and replied "When we're young , our family members , our friends , even our minds , fill our heads with dreams that'll never be true. So i said "Fuck it" and adjusted myself into streetlife." i realized that seno had a point but i was still trying to wrap my mind around his Words. I replied in low voice "What about the things you want ? And the one's you love ? You'll be thrown into jail , end of story , but what about them ?" Seno replied with a smile on his face "Dear michael. Tell me , would you still chase the same dream if money didnt exist ?. As for family , how would you define family ?" I replied "Family is a group of people who love you unconditionally." Seno replied "My naïVe brother , that isnt family. Can you tell your mom Openly that you masturbate ? Can you tell your brother that you do drugs ? No you cant. Family is just a word , an excuse that you're bonded to a group of people. Actually , you are my family , i can tell you my every secret and you would'nt tell anybody. You will even help me hide a dead body. Thats family. Family has each others back , when we have encountered failure. They do not critizise you when you have failed , they help you get through tough situations. Not someone who would later mention it in future". (He held my face in his hand and said) "Michael , you are my only family."(Then he left my face). I Realized that no matter what Seno did , he had a perfectly good reason for it. I can honestly and proudly say that SeNo is my mentor , he may be evil or mental , but still he has his reasons and i will not question them. Then the same mysterious man arrived and said "I have another job for you two." Seno with a cigarette replied "The previous one was easy , Give me something solid" The mysterious man replied "You have to put a bullet in a strip club owner. 10,000 dollars or the club its upto you." Seno replied "Fuc* yeah ! I'll have the club please." the mysterious guy said " if you are going to own the club , You'll have to give your 40% of your makings to the Stitched Family." i asked "whats the clubs name ?" The mysterious guy asked with a smirk.on his face "Whorifying Girls" is the name of the strip club. I replied with shock "Damn , isnt that the golden Hen for all the families in this city ?" the mysterious guy replied "It is. And the owner has started to , Be un-cooperative. So we are in need of new owners." Seno said "We'll put a bullet in him , just give us the proper equipment." the mysterious guy replied "There is a bounty on the owners head. So , there'll many people trying to take him down. Good luck gentlemen." then he left.
Seno turned to me and asked "We still have 15,000 left right ?" I replied "Yes , why what do you want ?" Seno Hurriedly Stood up and said "bring 6000 dollars we've got work to do".
"Seno , this is a bad Fu*king idea man" i said while standing on a rooftop holding a No.3 Barrett .50cal (American Version) . Seno turned to with with a rocket launcher in his hands and he with a smirk replied "Look at that .(He pointed towards the Strip Club's enterance) ." It was a massacre. Many bounty hunters were just being aggresiVe and they tried to reach The owner with a Desert eagle in their hands , and They're bodies were now on laying down on the road. Even the police did not dare to interfere Between this gang war. THE owner owned an army. While amateurs were still at the front gate of the strip club. Seno said to me "We're not like them. If we accept a Contact we're committed to it. So lets get this done." The mysterious man was watching everyone from a nearby street. It had been 121 hours since the owner came out. The Gangs wanted the owner at any cost. Seno being a stRaight forward king of the jungle Shot a Rocket onto the back side of the club. The walls Were destroyed (Backside walls). The owner was very worried now.
(Scene from the owners room)(the owner was Sitting when the Rocket hit. He almost flew away by the Blast but his guard Helped him remain stable) a security guard Got out of the debris of the strip club , (Because it was almost destroyed) and saw Seno with a rocket launcher and he ran back to The room of the owner and screamt "Ruuuun !!!!!" Everybody eVacuated the room and they came out into the open. Seno said "Do It !" I had a clear shot on the owners head....
And i shot. The owner's head was gone. And his security guards , scattered. Everybody was looking for the triggerman , but we were high ground. And the Mysterious man saw us. Then , Seno did the most unexpected thing possible , he shot another Rocket at the Bounty hunters.
I held him with anger and Cried "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE ?!". Seno Replied "Because they deserVe it ." he escaped my grip and continued "They were trying to kill an innocent man for money !" i replied "We did the same !" he replied "i did some background check on him. And it turns out That this owner , Smuggled Teenage girls even sometimes over border and He Had them work here. And those bounty hunters , they were just here for the club or the money." I replied with anger "Arent we Taking the club ? Are we any different from Those bounty hunters ?" Seno Came up close to me held my face and said "Naïve Michael , we are not just Taking over the club. We ARE taking OVER the club". And i had no idea what that meant.
The next day , at Bar21 The Mysterious man handed us The club's papers , and the keys. And he also said "Dont worry about the damage. That'll be RenoVated real quick." Seno asked "What about The staff ?" The mysterious guy replied "We'll keep looking. And it better be worth it. It isnt such a good idea." Then the mysterious guy left. I asked Seno with Confusion "What Staff?" he replied with a Smirk on his face "Life is like chess my brother. We have to take Leap of faiths. In order to strike , we have to take a risk."
After 3 days , the club was Filled with people. And it was looking even better than before. There was even a new stage where Plays were held. And the usual Pole's were also increased in number. And the strippers were more obeying and loyal to us. Although they were Forbidden to go home with their customers. Me and Seno went to the back where our office was. And i asked "Where did you get all this staff within three days ?". He replied "I sent all the Previous staff to their countries or set them free. I hired Prostitutes. More cheap , more loyal , and now they are even legal. I have provided them a job. Do you know that Young girls are also turning to prostitution because they need money? I offered them money , just to dance . Now they can keep their dignity and make money. And now , they dont have to hook up. They're free. I even have bought a building for them. The Homeless one's live there." I replied with a smile "Why did i ever doubt you ?" and i hugged him. After 2 hours , A syndicate leader walked into our office with 5 bodyguards. He was wearing a 1,000,00 dollar suit and a 50000 dollar watch. His personality said it all ..... (Discription : In his 60's , but still a very good personality. Always wore sunglasses. Wore A ring , a red dragon that covered almost half his finger. The dragon had Little diamonds in its eyes. And his body guards had Lizard hairCuts. He was an american/Asian. And he had 4 of the city's most powerful gangs under him. He was the most powerful man in New york city. And his name is "Mr.Howard Lee" he entered our office and said "Greetings Mr.Seno and Mr.Michael . I assume you already know me ?" I replied "I'm sorry we actually dont know you." Howard replied "My name is Howard Lee. And i am the actual owner of this club and almost all of this city." Seno replied "Aah , welcome Mr.Howard. Please have a seat." Howard sat down and continued "i assume that you already know the rules." Seno replied "Yes , 40% goes to you. And in exchange we keep the club , Recieve Security and all the benifits from the Syndicate." Howard replied with a smile "That is the kind of attitude . Most people i meet try to become my friend. And i protect my friends. Actually they are in greed of all the benifits from me. But you , you go straight to business. No bullshit. I like it." then he stood up got ready to leave and he said "By the way . This new management of yours. May it bring prosperity to us all." Then he left. I panicked "Was that Mr.Howard the Dragon !?". Seno replied with no emotion at all "The What and who ?. I have never met him before. Why are you soo "Panicky "" . I replied "There are stories about him. About how ruthless he used to be".
Then , Michael continued "People say that Howard's real name was Shen Jin. He was a master in hand to hand combat Karate , Kung Fu , Kick boxing and even a brawler. He even got better than his own master. One day , a tournament was held. The greatest tournament in all of China. The red Dragon tournament . It was the most profitable tournament For rich people and all its contestents. He was almost 18 years back then. And all the people knew that "The Dragon" would win. But the other contestent , he used his mind to defeat Shen the dragon. The other contestent attacked at all the weak points in Shen's body. Weakpoints like , Rupturing Shen's eardrum with a critical strike at Shen's ear. Kicking Between Shen's bellybutton and Ribs. And so , Shen lost the Tournament . Shen was even attacked by the audience of the tournament. Even the healthworkers didnt help him. Because The tournament meant a lot to people. People betted thousands on him. The biggest bet placed on him was a Million dollar. Shen even go kicked out of his house because Honour meant everything to his family. Shen realized that day. That power and money meant everything to people. And that the mind Is a better weapon than the body. By the age of 23 , Shen became a well known underground fighter and he was a well known thief too. A chinese organised crime boss took shen up. They Valued him , and Shen was loyal to them. They called him "Family" soon. And Shen was a good friend of the head of the family. At the age of 30 , The head of the family was Killed at his Mother's funeral. The Head , died , at his mothers grave with bullets in his whole body. With Shen holding The head of the family in his arms , the head with his last breath said "brother shen , You must Take over this family now." and Shen Vowed that this little stunt wont go unpunished. Now Shen is the most powerful person in China , England , And he's even expanded his Syndicate to here in New York."
Seno with inspiration in his eyes asked "What happened to his family ?". I replied "he Ripped his fathers head off his shoulders. He Fed his mother to the fishes. And he sliced his own sister with 99 cuts to her body." Seno asked "Why is The red dragon his syndicate's name. Wasnt that his biggest failure ?". I replied with a smirk "It was. And it changed him. You see , when people Face failure , a massive one , it may hurt them Physically . But pain is temporary. The pain teaches people Lessons". Seno said "so he named his syndicate The red dragon because it was his achievement and his biggest failure ?". I replied "Yes. You learn a lot from failure. From success , you only make fake friends". Seno asked "How do you know all this ?". I replied "Because my Grand father betted 100 dollars on Shen. And he used to be a close friend of Shen. But Shen went Ruthless and My grandfather left him". Seno Had a disturbed look on His face. Then he stood up and said "Michael , Sometimes only thing a person ever needs is someone to lean on. Every beast has someone who can calm him down. And i believe , that no matter how ruthless Howard may seem , all he needs is real family". The Seno left the club.
I Went to my home and my mother and sister were waiting for me. They seemed Like they wanted to talk of something important. They were sitting on a couch , they had pictures in the middle on a table. My mother saw me and said "Ah Michael !. Come sit with us". I sat down and asked "What is it mother ?" . She continued "Your sister is getting married after two weeks. And here's the handsome guy." (She handed me pictures of a dark haired american man in his 20's and he seemed , Fashionable.) and mother continued "Your sister is interested in him. And i need you to make sure that he deserves her". Angela had a smile on her face and she said "Michael. Make sure he's the right one. And not just a pretty face". I patted my sister on her shoulder and said "I will make sure".
Days went by. Angela was married. Seno and i were making a name for ourselves in the city's Organized crime. Mother moved in with me in a fancy house . Seno , well Seno didnt change. For the first time in my life , we were all happy. And things couldnt get more better.
Years past by. We were finlly happy.
In 1984 , i was going to go out with Seno and mother asked me to sit down with her. I did . And she asked me "Son , What do you really do ? We couldnt afford a fancy car or a house like this. " i replied nervously "I umm- work for a respected company. I look out as a manger. She held my hand and asked "Son..... What do you really do ?".....
I asked myself "Should i tell her the truth about how Much of a monster her son has become ?. Or should i keep my family safe and lie ?.....

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