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The date wasn't as bad as I thought. Although, the rest of the 1D boys joined us after a while. They made me a little uncomfortable because I was surrounded by people who hated me, even though they didn't know that. I can handle Louis on my own, but all five of them. If they were to have realized who I was, I wouldn't have survived getting out of there alive. Of course, I'm over-exaggerating, but it could happen.

After the date we went back to their hotel suite, which is where we are now. Might I add, it is fairly large compared to mine. In fact, it's about three times the size of mine.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked Louis as I turned to face him. His arm snaked around my waist and I got chill bumps. He wasn't supposed to touch me this much, or at least, not yet. We aren't that far into the plan...

"Whatever you want to do, babes." he spoke, kissing my right cheek. I froze for about a minute before realizing how weird I must seem. I turned to look at the other lads and clapped my hands together.

"I want a drink. Anyone up for it?" I suggested. I really did need a drink to take the edge off. Plus, I needed to loosen up the boys a bit and get some dirt on them. Things like their concert schedule, interview and recording times, maybe even times the lads were supposed to be relaxing for the rest of the tour. I could also figure out what their allergic to (if it's deadly it's no use to me), their fears and weak spots.

The lads just looked at me for a second before nodding slowly and Niall was quick to run out of the room only to return with 2 six packs of beers dripping with ice and a bottle of tequila. He held up the drinks and I snatched a pack of beer from his grip. Louis came over to me and held his hand out as if he was about to grab one of the bottles. I put the pack behind my back and smirked at Tomlinson.

"No. Mine." I simply said. He raised an eyebrow at me before smiling and laughing. He then took a beer from the other pack as did the other lads and we all sat down in a circle in the lounge area.

"Let's get pissed!" I yelled loudly making the boys chuckle as I downed my first beer. The next one I only pretended to drink. I actually got up to go to the bathroom and poured 3/4s of it down the sink. I sipped the rest of it and left the other four hidden behind my back as I faked that my second bottle was the other four. The boys had brought out a couple more packs of beer out and had gotten so pissed up that I knew I had done well.

"So, boys. Have any of you ever had gay thoughts about one another?" I knew the question was extremely offensive and forward, if they were sober, but they obviously weren't. Just as I had asked the question, Niall and Harry had both raised their hands. I laughed a slurred and drunken laugh and then proceeded to ask more about their 'gay thoughts'.

"Who were they about, specifically?" I pressed on. Niall giggled like a little girl and Harry just blushed before they pointed to each other. I, as well as the three other lads in the band, laughed my ass off. Once I calmed down, I dropped the gay topic and plainly asked if we could 'share secrets'. Of course, I wasn't going to tell them any real secrets, only fake ones because my real secrets could give me away.

The lads thought it was a fun idea and started going around in a circle, telling secrets that even the other lads didn't know.

"I-I'm in love with Marina's music!" Zayn shouted his confession, holding the tequila bottle in the air and then taking a swig of it. He made a sour face before passing the bottle to me and I faked taking a swig of it as well. Louis and Harry gasped at the secret while I passed the tequila to Tomlinson.

"How could you?!"

"She hates our music!" Harry and Louis screamed respectively. They quickly let it go though and I took my turn in letting a secret out.

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