Chapter 3 "Race"

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"Forget it beautiful. Have fun!" Suri said while we stepped in her house, that by now look like a night club.

"Yeah that´s right. I´m going to dance until my feet hurt - smiled excited. I´m going to have fun forget about that  stupid boy. It´s not going to be a guy who thinks is better than the others  (what clearly he isn´t) that´s going to ruin my night.

"Well girl. Rock the dance floor and kiss someone" she gave me a smirk smile "there´s Kiko" she point it out to him "i´m going to do some kisses of mine and see i if no snakes comme near him" she winked at me and start walking towards Kiko (you should read shaking her ass for him).

I rolled my eyes while laughing of that crazy girl. I looked around searching for one of my crazy friends, but i couldn´t find anyone. Probably they are glowing in some sexy guy, they never learn: men´s suck. They only want a girl to hook up and in the end of the night leave, maybe they like that. I´m not judging or anything, they are not sluts! It´s just sometimes they fall in the same old lame conversation coming from them ... they are just a little naive. But I´m not like that! I know that! I only involve with someone if there´s a kind of a "spark", we have chemistry and i know that the next day he will not dump me and  that he will treat me in the right way. I don´t want a serious relationship, i don´t even believe in love and that is a thing that everybody talks about. I never felt that i love somebody besides my family and my girls, i never been in love, never did something stupid about a guy because i liked him. How can you feel something that doesn´t exist?


Well let´s have fun alone!

"Vodka please" i demanded to the bartender while i sat on one of the bar stool.

"Here beautiful" he gave me a cop with my drink. I ignored him and the fluid, in the glass, slide all of one throw my throat.

"One more"

"You shore? Isn´t that a lot for you? After you get drunk this guys will try to take advantage of you"

"I don´t remember ask you anything.  So shut the fuck up and poor me another or you want me to poor it myself? " I start bending myself over the counter "You really want that to happen? Because if that happen a bottle of Vodka it´s not the only thing that i going to grab. Maybe a knife so i can coot your tongue" i grabbed the top of is V neck white t-shirt and brought my mouth close to his ear "Do you really want that to happen? And now" i pushed him "Are you going to give me my drink or am i going to have to grabbed?" i arched my left eyebrow.

"I will give to-o-o you" The stupid stutter. This guys are all pussy´s. I laughed right on his face.


After that delicious girl left us the guys continue to mock my, because that girl decided to give one of tough. I feel sorry for her because she clearly doesn´t know who i am and what i can do to her. Like i said she must be a daddy´s girl that wants to be a rebel, so that she can call her dad attention. She thinks she´s tough but i only need to pull out my gun and show her, so she can put her ass between her legs and beg for me ... they are all the same, scared easily by a gun in my hand.

I left the people i call friends talking alones, my ears were starting hurt with so much talk about that girl, if they weren´t my friends i had already put a bullet in the middle of their heads. I got in the house were the party was on and already my eyes stopped on the girl sitting at the bar. She might be unbearable , too much cocky but i have to admit she´s the most beautiful girl that i ever seen. I couldn´t help myself and start to approach the bar and sat down on the bar stool next to her.

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