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I thought about hitting the snooze one more time but Avery was already poking at me to wake up. I groaned, like I do most mornings when I have to wake up via alarm. I miraculously rolled out of bed and dressed myself completely unaware of how I was functioning at all.

Jess shoved a cup of coffee in my face and I moaned happily at the warmth of the coffee engulfing my hands. Ren walked out of her room, very much still in a zombie-esque state with her luggage wheeling slowly behind her. "Alright, do we have everything?" Avery asked double and triple checking that all her necessities were packed and our luggage, as well as ourselves, were all accounted for.

The taxi pulled up straight in front of JFK airport and we advanced to our terminal which wasn't ready to board for another 45 minutes.  I sighed, happy we made it and there was no more stress of packing or tickets and flights to be booked, and took a seat next to Ren.

I turned to look at her, a little more awake than she was this morning and smirked, "This is really happening." I whispered. She wore a tired smile back and she patted my shoulder knowing very well how much this meant to all of us.

*4 months ago*

"No! The lights go over there, they won't work if you string the wires like that!" I shout onto the stage as they set up for the summer drama program that's supposed to be here in less than 2 hours. I sigh frustratedly and go to sit back at the light and sound board, fiddling with the settings. 

"You don't sound too happy." I hear a voice from behind proclaim. I swivel around and see Jess in a theatre chair two rows back. "And neither do you." I remark 

"One of the girls for the show broke out horribly and blamed it on me. She started throwing a crap ton of my makeup at me and let's just say no amount of makeup can cover the black eye I gave her." she smirks and I laugh knowing the story wasn't going to end without the model getting what was coming to her.

Just as I open my mouth to commend her for her actions, there's a huge crash that make us both jump and I turn around to see the light that was going above the stage has fallen and the bulb has shattered everywhere. I pinch the bridge of my nose and begin packing my things, "Just make sure everything works within 2 hours." I say before walking out to the doors with Jess.

We meet Avery and Ren at Starbucks around the block and have our weekly vent session about the crap we put up with which always ends with Ren saying, "Well it's shit like this that makes us true NYU students and true New Yorkers. We take it in stride and don't let it get to us too much." 

We all agree and sit silently for a moment. I watch my friends. Ren is here persuing music and special effects, Avery is here studying dancing, Jess is a makeup artist and design student and I study production. 

"So did Ed ever call you back about that internship abroad you applied for?" Ren asked me

I fidget my hands and shake my head solemnly, "Nope...I mean I get why - me, interning abroad, when the internship is literally just for 1 person." I try and talk myself out of wanting to go but Ren as well as my other two closest friends, can see through my act.

She assures me it won't be the last time I travel or get a kickass internship and we head back to our shared apartment. I turn the lock into the door and open it just in time to grab the phone as the landline rings.

"Hello?" I answer, clicking the receive button to quickly to see who the caller was.

"Yes, may I please speak to Kate Campbell?" the voice on the other line responds.

"You're speaking to her....may I ask why you're calling?" I say waiting, expecting it to be a reminder that my phone bill is late or something

"Yes, this is Ed Ganesly's secretary and I am here to inform you that you have been accepted for the internship abroad program." She answers politely and adds, "He looked into your close friends as well and wants you to bring them as well for other necessities the program might need. You will have your tickets paid for and the flight is already booked for the date May 1st. Any further questions can be answered when you arrive on set." she finishes and the the line clicks dead.

I stand frozen, phone still connected to my ear. I slowly hand the phone up, and turn to look at all of them staring at me expectantly, "I....I got the job.....YOU GUYS I GOT THE JOB!" it hits me and I jump up and down, freaking out and they all start to freak out with me when I stop and a huge grin spreads across my face.

"They don't just want me." I say and everyone stops and stares in confusion

"What?" Avery asks, still clutching Jess's hands tightly in mid happy dance

"They don't just want me." I repeat and quickly add, "They want all of us to come down." 

They don't question why or how something so insane happened and we continue to happy dance and then freak out about how we have nothing to wear.

"PLANE NUMBER 2265 FOR LONDON WILL NOW BE BOARDING." the intercom blasts over the speaker and all 4 of us jolt out of our day dreams and make our way onto the plane. I take my seat next to Avery and she looks at me with a huge smile. "You ready for the story of a lifetime, spending your whole summer with One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer." 

I smirk, "I was born ready." 

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