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"te!....ate!!...KATE!" I jolt awake as Avery shouts my name and begins to shake me. 

"Okay, okay I'm up." I grumble rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes and surveying my surroundings. We were still on the plane, and I'm pretty sure we were still in the air so why did Avery wake me up.

"Why'd you wake me?" I ask looking at her now making sure to convey my grumpiness through my eyes

She smiles, ignoring the death stare, and bops around in her seat, "I heard that 5 Seconds of Summer will be boarding on the second plane we board too!" 

My heart beat quickens; I have heard more than once how hot that whole band is and I know I'd totally flip out and make a fool of myself if I was anywhere near them. I act relaxed about the whole thing in front of Avery as to not have a huge fangirl scene erupt on the flight. "That's cool. We shall see when we land." I answer and snuggle up in my chair again and pop my headphones in my ears hoping to be serenaded back to sleep.

Avery huffs at my lack of enthusiasm to entertain her boy band fantasies and goes back to watching Nemo on the TV. 

 I must have dozed off because it feels only minutes later that I'm being shaken awake and pulled out of my seat. "Kate wake the hell up, we're at the airport. Come on, up we go." Avery mumbles pulling me out of my seat.

We meet with Jess and Ren and walk into the airport and freeze at mini mob of teenage girls by one of the terminal doors. "Oh no." I mumble and can already feel my plams getting sweaty with nerves of having to sit with  gorgeous boys for over 6 hours. 

Avery squeals and skips over to the doors of the terminal. Ren and Jess look curiously from me and back to her, "Does this have to do with boys?" Jess questions clearly knowing how shy I get in situations like these.

I give her a half hearted smile and nod. Ren grabs my hand but quickly releases it, wiping her hands on the sleeve of her sweater, "Yup, definitely about boys." I give a sarcastic laugh and flip her off before we follow in Avery's direction. 

My phone starts to vibrate and I see it's Ed, the one in charge of us on our internship. "Hey, so you should be getting ready to go onto your second flight. I made it so you guys fly with the supporting act for the tour. There are four of them - Luke, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. From what I've heard they're all real nice. Their manager already told them to expect 4 girls for the flight. Have fun!" he says before I even get a word in edge wise and hangs up.

"Yea, fun..." I mumble and stick my phone back in my pocket before finding the rest of my friends queuing up for the plane. 

I sigh defeatedly and decided to tell them about the boys expecting us. Avery almost has a panic attack and the other two nod in recognition while I silently brood over the fact I'm about to make a huge fool out of myself. I'm not the most flirtatious around boys, especially the attractive kind. 

We get on the plane without seeing them and are escorted to a secluded section. The anticipation is getting to me and I feel like I'm gonna vomit when we hear laughter and they are walking into their seats. Each are more beautiful and then the last one steps through the door and I swear I'm looking at an angel. 

They smile politely at us clearly thinking we're just privileged fans and I'm thinking their manager didn't tell them crap. They introduce themselves, and I find out angel boy is named Ashton. I wave back and introduce myself. We all get a turn to say hi and tell the boys about us before I pipe up and explain we're going to be working with them on the tour.

"Oh that's awesome, what are you working on?" Ashton asks me and I freeze totally caught off guard

"Uhm...well I- I work on..." I stumble over my words as he stares at me with an expectant smile on his face. I can feel my face heat up as I try and find the words to answer him but Ren swoops in and saves the day, "She does mostly tech stuff- lighting and sound specifically."

"Aah so you're the lady we go to if the mic's don't work?" Calum asks and I just nod, afraid to either have no words come out of my mouth or ramble. 

"Well alright this is gonna be awesome!" Luke says taking his seat and the other boys follow suit.

Ren sits beside me and Ashton and Michael sit in front of us. I start talking with Ren and soon I'm cracking up, barely able to sit up right or breath. We're joking and I'm in the middle of telling a story when Mike and Ashton turn around and listen. We all bust out laughing and I blush at the thought of making Ashton and Mikey laugh. 

I get a little more used to them on the plane ride over but I can tell Ashton makes me the most nervous due to his adorable personality and great looks. I definitely figure I have a small crush on him and even more so that night when I woke up in the middle of the night and Ashton was up, drumsticks in hands and softly singing to a song. I didn't let him know I was awake but I could tell he knew someone was watching the way his ears got a tad pink and he slowly stopped playing.

I shifted in my chair and tried to go back to sleep with Ashton's voice slowly repeating in my head. 

It was about 6 am when we were escoreted out of the plane, said our goodbyes to the group and were stuffed into 2 separate SUVs to reduce tabloid rumors. Avery, Jess, Ren and I headed straight to the venue to meet with our supervisors, mentors who would be teaching us and Ed. The first show was tomorrow but today was a rehearsal for both bands.

Ed gave us a big smile as he shook our hands individually. He was your average looking guy with some minor features that made him more than average, such as his scruffy chin that I could tell was the start of a beard and the tattoo sleeve poking out of his blue t-shirt. He was from London as that is where the intership begins and had one hell of an accent. 

"Alright, so here we have the four luckiest girls in the world." Ed said laughing as we all agreed. 

"So, Kate, you know you'll be doing the light and sound board. Mostly sound when 5SOS goes on and mostly lights when One Direction hits the stage." He says before continuing as he turns to Ren with a smirk, " I didn't ask about the applicants 3 closest friends for nothing. So you're Ren, you'll be a music technician and special affect tech for us. Avery, you'll be helping the lads with a little choreography and stage direction, and Jess, you'll be with Lou Teasdale in the makeup and hair department." 

He directed us where we had to be, and handed me a headset, telling me there was always help closer than a shout away.

I sat at the sound board. Finally, I was in my element. 

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