Chapter 3

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*Blake's P.O.V. 7 hours later*

I woke up and this time I was in a bed. I sat up, looking around and saw the door was cracked open slightly. I looked around the room some before getting off the bed. Guns... Antlers.... 2 large windows... A closet. No bathroom. King-sized bed... Black and red bedding... Hard wood floors.. Like a hunter's room...

"Well I am a hunter." I heard suddenly. My eyes darted to the doorway which was now opened and there stood Mike, empty-handed with ripped jeans and a black shirt on. A silver bullet he wore round his neck. He walked in, silent as death, and sat down next to my knees. He picked up his hand and drew them near to my cheek once more. His fingers, cold as ice, glided down my cheek, but I didn't flinch. Then they grasped my chin lightly and turned my head. They landed swiftly on the bite marks, and again I didn't flinch. Once he withdrew them, I felt for myself and felt nothing but a faded scar and 2 small bumps.

"Why?" I asked him, my voice quiet and shaky.

"Why what? Why did I kill the Killer? Why did I take you away from Andy? Why did I bring you here? Help you? Let you stay? Not hurt you?" He asked, listing off reasons.

"All of the above." I mumbled, looking away from him.

"You're special." He said. 2 words for all those questions. Just then, a knock at the door broke the deathly silence. Mike grabbed my hand and lead me to his closet. He opened the door and walked in, pulling me after him. I heard a door open, hinges clearly rusted and he clicked on a little, dim light. I looked at him with an 'Are you crazy.' look and he rolled his eyes and pushed me in.

"Yes, I am crazy. Deal with it.... Now stay." He said and shut the door. I heard a lock slid shut, barring me in. Great. I looked around, the smell musty and the room cramped. This room obviously hadn't been opened or used in years...

"Is Blake Knight here?" I heard a male voice ask faintly.

"No." Mike replied coldly.

"Do you know any information about her or her brother?"

"All I know is her brother was murdered... I took care of the murder though..." I heard Mike say quietly.

"Sir, please be honest. Blake is a run-away. Until she is 18, she can not be on her own without a parent or guardian." A different male said.

"Blake is fine. Trust me." Mike replied sternly.

"I'm sorry, but we will have to search your house." I heard a footstep and then a shout. Next thing I knew, I was hearing multiple gunshots and shouts. I froze in fear as I heard the shouts and shots grow nearer. After about 30 seconds, everything fell silent. I could do nothing but play the waiting game.


And now, here I sit. Darkness surrounding me. I had no idea what was in this room and what was going on out there. I heard no-


I stand corrected. I heard a window shatter, multiple shouts from multiple guys... Then blood curdling screams. Wretched screams, dripping in pain. I shuddered and froze. I lightly pointed my nose upward, smelling the air... Sweet, sweet blood. Even over this musty smell, I smelled the blood. It was everywhere. I hadn't fed in about 3 weeks now and I was growing weak. I don't know what I'd do if I saw the blood.

And that's when I realized, everything was silent.

Deathly, deathly silence.

I heard footsteps nearing my location. The closet doors slid open. Footsteps.

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