Chapter 23

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~Hours later~ 

I woke up, feeling nothing but pain and a cold hand in mine. I opened my eyes slowly to see Mike's expressionless face staring at me. I then realized I was in a pool of blood.. Mine and Mike's.. I slowly sat up, groaning in pain, my body stiff.

Once I was up, I realized that the blood was draining from Mike's chest, where a sword was inserted. Almost immediately, I burst into tears. I didn't know what to do; I didn't know if he was dead, or still, by some miracle, alive. I took in a deep breath, knowing the sword would have to come out sometime.

"1... 2... 3." I pulled the sword quickly from Mike's chest. His body twitched, and he let out a slow and weak breath. With that, I held my own breath and leaned down, placing my ear lightly on his chest. Barely audible, I heard a very, very faint heart beat.

I sat up and looked down at Mike, who I had moved into my lap. His face still had barely any expression on it, his eyes were dim and barely moving and his blinking was slow. He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but I shushed him by lightly kissing his lips. When I stopped, I sat up, chewing on my lip, still not knowing what to do, but figured right now he needed blood most of all. I looked around for a second and leaned over Mike's body, fishing around in his pocket for the knife he always had with him. I found it and pulled it out, but before I got far, he weakly grabbed my wrist.

"No.." He whispered. I barely heard it, and because he was so weak it was easy for me to pull away from his grasp.

"I have to." I whispered back to him as I flipped it open. I placed the blade on my wrist and pressed down, pulling it back. I bit on my lip as I watched the blood trickle from my wrist and drip onto the floor. I brought my bleeding wrist to his lips and he tried moving his head, keeping his mouth shut, refusing the blood.

"No." He whispered again.

"You need to." I told him, my voice weak at seeing him like this. A long minute passed before he let out a pained breath and parted his lips. I placed my wrist on his mouth and let him drink for as long as he needed, even though I was weak myself; I don't think he knew that though, and I wouldn't let him know.

15 minutes crept by with him drinking from the slit in my wrist. I had to make a couple new cuts though, because it got harder for him to drink, because that vein decided it was going to stop giving up my blood. I watched Mike closely as he reached up a hand and pushed away my wrist, then slowly sat up.

"What the hell happened?" He asked weakly. I let out a short laugh, realizing he asked me that a lot.

"I don't know.." I spoke quietly, looking away from his hard stare. We sat in silence for a few minutes, then he stood, wobbling a little, then pulled me up and walked me over to the couch and sat me down. He picked up his hand and ran it lightly across my side, then began to run it down, pressing on each rib to find the broken and fractured ones. I flinched, drawing blood from my lip as he did so.

"Your first, second and third are broken." He muttered, moving his hand to my left side.. "Your second, fourth and seventh rib are broken on your left side." Every time he moved his hand over a broken rib, or just on my side, tears pricked my eyes. Every time he pushed on a broken rib, I could feel it moving and I also began to cough up blood.

Mike got up and disappeared into the other room, coming back a moment later with a cloth. He handed it to me and I held it up to my mouth while Mike disappeared again.

After a few minutes, I heard him on the phone in his bedroom. "Hey, I need help... 5 broken ribs.. Hurry, please. No, why the hell would I have that shit? You know I live nowhere in the area... W-Why do you think I called you; you're the only person I know who has the supplies... Well can you just hurry up and get your ass over here, like.. Now... No, it can't wait until tomorrow, it'll be too late then..... Fine, bye.. See you soon." He walked out, a little annoyed and looked at me for a good minute, then turned on his heel and walked to the kitchen.

I could hear him making something and I don't know what it was, but the back door opened and he walked outside, then came back in about 15 minutes later. In his hand, he carried some sort of plant from the forest. With it, he obviously used it to finish whatever he was making.. From there, he poured the substance into a glass and walked out, handing it to me.

I looked in the glass, then looked at him. Mike stood firm, his arms crossed over his chest. He was looking at me, without blinking, his face emotionless. I drank it without thinking, figuring it would be to help the pain or something. When the glass was empty, Mike took it from me and placed it on the coffee table. He laid me back, covering me with a blanket and I blinked a few times, not even realizing I was tired, then that was the last thing I remembered before falling into sleep.


When I woke up, it was to someone knocking at the door. I opened my eyes and looked groggily over the back of the couch as Mike walked out, opening the door. The blonde girl from earlier was there.. She had a canvas bag with her and Mike stepped aside to let her in. He brought the girl around the couch, introducing us; her name was Andi. The both of them disappear into the kitchen for about 45 minutes, while I was laying on the couch, in and out of sleep.

Eventually, they came back out and Andi hands me a small bowl of another foreign liquid. "You need to drink this." She whispers to me as I take it. I close my eyes as I bring it to my lip, letting it flow down my throat. It had a sickeningly sweet taste and a sweet smell.

"I love you." I hear Mike whisper to me as I close my eyes. That was the last thing I heard and the last thing I felt was Mike's warm lips kissing me on my forehead lightly.

*3 hours later* 

I groan and slowly open my eyes, sitting up without thinking. My body was stiff and sore, but my ribs felt so much better than earlier. I listen closely to anything around me; the sun by now has set and the house is dark. Silence has fallen all around me, but I hear quiet and slow movement in the bedroom.. Immediately I become worried because I still smell Andi's perfume lingering in the house, which means she's still here.

I throw the blanket off of me and shift so I'm sitting on the edge of the couch. I stand after a minute, my back popping a few times, realizing my ribs are wrapped. I take in a deep breath and begin my journey to Mike's bedroom at the back of the house.

Once I arrive at the door, it's closed and I stand on the outside of it, listening to the soft noises on the other side. I cringe as I place my hand on the cold door handle and slowly twist it, opening the door. I heard blankets fly over the people in the bed as I stood in the doorway, in disbelief though I knew what I was willingly walking in on.

Tears threatened to pour down my cheeks as I looked at the scene in front of me. Clothes were thrown carelessly about and blankets were pulled over their naked bodies. I closed my eyes as a single tear slid down my cheek, then I turned and just walked out as Mike called my name, throwing Andi away from him.

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