45: Meeting the In-Laws

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Chapter 45: Meeting the In-Laws

Severus stood before the Dark Lord after being called from Hermione's side. The gathering was large; nearly a hundred followers stood in every-widening circles around their mad leader, anxious to do his will. For his part, Severus would far rather be curled up in bed with his wife, spend a day becoming best mates with James Potter's brat or even praising Longbottom on his superior brewing skills. He would rather be doing almost anything, if it meant he was no longer tied to the dark leader.

After intelligence—if it could be called that—was received from several sources who were working on specific projects, the Dark Lord turned toward Severus. "My most faithful follower, Severus, I have heard that Potter and his side kick are in St. Mungos after a spell went badly wrong. What do you know about this?"

Infusing his voice with all the deference he could, Severus knelt before the leader and cast his eyes to the ground. The less effort to keep up his Occlumency shields, the better. "My Lord, since Nott told Potter of my relationship with the Mudblood, I have been cut out from news in the Order. However, I know that Potter and his friend have been playing around with new spells and hexes, and I imagine that is all this was. It wouldn't surprise me that one or both of them tried a spell they were in no way prepared for. Their skill level is really quite pathetic.

"The Mudblood regularly beats them in duels, and her skills are paltry. I've been studying her memories at night via Legilimancy, but have found nothing useful this week. She spends her days studying Runes and other trivialities for the N.E.W.T. exams she is foolish enough to believe she will have the chance to take."

The Dark Lord laughed. "I suppose you're right about the spell landing them in St. Mungos. And now, my minions, we have an attack to launch. It appears a school full of children in West Surrey is having an activity tonight. We will blow it to pieces; show those foolish Order members that we cannot be stopped."

He began to direct the others on their individual missions while Severus silently, wandlessly caused his shortened ink-filled quill to begin writing in the diary under cover of his oversized cloak. He hoped Hermione got the message.

Hermione was half asleep when she received the notification of new writing in her diary and really didn't want to get out of bed. Knowing it was most likely an emergency, however, she rolled over and pulled the tiny diary from the pocket of her jeans. Without her wand, she expanded the diary, then flipped through to the most recent page. As she read, she grew ever more worried about the plans Voldemort was enacting. She grabbed a paper from the nightstand and began writing orders, specifying those things that were going on. The question was getting it to someone who could do something about it, and fast. "Twinkie!"

"Yes, Mistress?" the house-elf asked when it appeared in her room a moment later.

"I need you to take this note to Auror Tonks right away. It is a great secret and the paper can only go to her. Can you do this for me?"

"Yes, Mistress, of course, Mistress, Twinkie will do anything Mistress needs."

Hermione knew it was a risk sending the note by a house-elf that was not her own, but the elf seemed totally devoted to her and there wasn't time for a Patronus, even if she had enough power available to send one. Hermione couldn't go anywhere without her powers, the Floo made her ill, and owl travel would have been interminable. "Then have her send back a message to me so I know she received it."

Twinkie took the note and nodded, then with a snap of her fingers, disappeared. Five of the longest minutes of Hermione's life passed as she waited for word back from Tonks. Meanwhile she continued to take notes on specifics the Order and Aurors might need, and added a thank you to the diary so Severus would know she had received the message. When Twinkie returned, Hermione let out a relieved breath and turned to receive her answer.

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