50: The Trial

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Chapter 50: The Trial

Hermione's impromptu press conference in the Ministry of Magic after she left Gawain Robards' office would have been a great deal more fun if it been hadn't so important to her. Still, she managed to derive a bit of amusement by the way the press lapped up her words about how Robards had agreed that Severus Snape needed a full hearing. All of his deeds during the war needed to be illuminated so all wizardkind would see that the man who killed the beloved Albus Dumbledore got what he deserved. Her main goal had been to assure that the Ministry couldn't back out of holding the trial in a timely manner, as she was sure Scrimgeour would have tried to do.

The next morning, Hermione received an owl with a letter from Gawain Robards with the date and time of Severus' trial and the list of charges against him.

1-The murder of Albus Dumbledore

2-The Imperius of Hermione Granger while he was her Professor at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry (A double offense as he was in a position of trust over her)

3-Attacking the students with his fellow Death Eaters at the Muggle school in West Surrey

4-Conspiracy to undermine the Ministry of Magic and the structure of the wizarding world.

5-Rape of a student while still her professor

She looked at the list and smiled. She had iron-clad proof that all of these charges were bogus, or at least enough to bring a bit more than a shadow of a doubt. Hermione looked at the diary sitting beside her on the nightstand and wished he had his copy to read. She had decided after returning from the Ministry the previous afternoon to write even if he didn't have his copy. Even if he didn't have the diary on him, he would know she had written him. Her goal was to give him hope, if nothing else. And Tonks was going to try to get it to him, one way or another.

Just in case the prison guards decided to taunt Severus with the news today about how she had pushed the Ministry to give him a quick trial, "So that every witch and wizard can have a full accounting of his deeds during this war," she wanted him to know her thoughts on it. And if he didn't get to read them until after the trial was over, she still wanted him to know her feelings during his incarceration. They were such a part of each other now, she had grown to where sharing everyday little thoughts and comments with him was more than second nature.

She had felt his gnawing hunger when she woke that morning, but it subsided shortly after, so she hoped that meant he had eaten and not that he had gotten beyond hunger. When she really focused on him, she felt his loneliness, knew he was cold and alone in the cell, or at least felt alone in it, even if others were present. She hoped he wasn't placed in a cell with any of the Death Eaters who would decide to take revenge on him for thwarting Voldemort. So far no one had hurt him—that was a relief in any case.

Hermione picked up the diary again and began a new entry. Dear Severus, I don't know if you will be allowed to read this before your trial, but I wanted you to know that I've seen the list of charges against you, and they've got nothing on you except Dumbledore, but I think I have a way worked around that.

We are going to get you out of there, even if I have to have all of the house-elves assist me in attacking Azkaban to break you free. But I don't think it will come to that. I miss you terribly and hope Tonks is able to get the diary to you like she promised to try to do. I'm taking care of myself and the baby so you don't have to yell at me about it when you get out. I love you more than anything. Be careful and I'll see you next week.

Deciding that was enough for the moment, Hermione began carefully organizing her plan of attack against the charges laid at her husband's feet.


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