Chapter 2

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The warm Summer rain poured against the passenger car window making the raindrops race down.

The rain had gotten worse as I slept and had become a full out storm.

When i woke up I put my headphones in, and I was sitting there for a while.

My music was loud in my ears so when my earphone was jerked out, I was shocked by a clap of thunder.

"Sorry to have to pull your earphone out but I've been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes." Leo is looking at me concernd.

I blush embarrassed, "Sorry, I get caught up in my music." 
Leo smiled. "I do the same thing when I listen to jazz."

I raise my eyebrows.

"A teenage boy who listens to jazz?" He looks away and lets out an embarrassed laugh. "Yeah weird huh? A couple years ago I discovered jazz on this cool old radio some people gave me and ever since I've been in love."

He looked like he was lost in a daydream.

I smiled, it was kinda sweet that someone his age could love something so different.

After a moment I asked him, "So, why didn't my aunt pick me up." This question made Leo a little flustered.

"Well she's was called in on a job last minute." I nod my head but I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me, "What does my aunt even do for a living?"

With this question Leo relaxed a little bit. "Oh she restores old houses and plantations. That's why she's here, She's restoring the old Rosewood plantation."

I was actually shocked. I couldn't believe my aunt could have such a great job.

I've always loved the idea of bringing back old houses to their original glory and my aunt gets to go and actually do it.

"We're here!" Leo says. I look around but all I see is trees."Where?" He points forward and I notice the trees clearing, and this huge plantation comes into view. My mouth drops open.

"Wow it's amazing!" I say my voice filled with awe. Leo laughs "I guess when it's your first time seeing it, it is kinda impressive."

The place was huge! It was at least six stories and it had a huge garden around it. Behind it were rows upon rows of apple ttree, and several feilds; one of the feilds had huge pond.

It was run down a little though, instead of well tamed plants they were growing wildly in the mists of suffocating weeds and the apple trees looked like they haven't been harveated for years.

The paint for the house was chipped and some windows needed to be replaced the roof needed a little work, and ivy was growing on the walls, the storms clouds and the occasional flash of lightning made it have an erie feel to it.

Leo pulled up in front of the house and put it into park. He unbuckled and turned towards me.

"So? What do you think now that you see it up close?"
I peered at the hopeful expression on his face. "Well... I love it!" Leo's eyes lit up. "Really!?" I nod my head, "Totally! It has this creepy gothic vibe and I'm totally digging it."

Leo laughs and we both exit the car. Leo leads me to the entry way under his umbrella and while he digged for the keys in his jacket pockets I studied the door. It was some kind of dark wood and carved into it were faces of screaming people in fire while demons poked them with spears. I shiver.

In my ear I hear, "Creepy huh?" I jump. Leo laughs. "Sorry I couldn't resist." I look at him then back at the carvings. "Isn't this a little much?" Leo studies the carvings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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