Chapter 5

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I sat in my room that night, just thinking about what kind experience I had with my teacher. He was shirtless, I was so close to him, and he said I was pretty. I'm smart, but I don't know if that's what is supposed to happen with a student and her teacher!

My night light glowed red and purple on the wall as I turned on my side, trying to get some sleep, but within forty six times of the light switching I realized all that was on my mind was Cameron.

He was very handsome, I'll give him that. And he was intellectual, and funny, and brave, and protective. Basically everything you'd want in a guy. But he was my teacher, and I was going somewhere with Shawn, and it'd be evil to leave someone as nice as him for a man who was much too old for me, even if he was in his early twenties.

Footsteps advanced upon my room and my dad opened the door, now in some pajamas instead of his uniform. I leaned my back against the headboard and he sat in the little space beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple.

"Hey, Dad. I really missed you," I said. He nodded and produced a little blue box from behind his back.

"I missed you too, monkey. That's why I got you a gift, just so you won't really be alone when I leave again." I looked into his blue eyes, the same color he passed onto me, and smiled. The box popped open as I lifted the lid and inside was a necklace, the kind that hold pictures. The left was my parents' wedding picture, and the right was me as a baby, sleeping in Mom's arms.

"Thank you so much!" I cried, throwing myself into his arms and hugging him. "I love it!"

"I thought you would, baby girl. Get some sleep, you need to be bright bushy-tailed for Shawn tomorrow." Dad stepped away towards the door when his statement registered.

"How do you-"

"I'm not just a soldier, Keilah. I'm your dad, and your mother can't keep a secret," he chuckled deeply. "Just be smart, like I know you are."

"I will, I promise. Goodnight, Dad."

"Night, princess." He rubbed my forehead and closed the door behind him. The Arcadia that was my room allowed me to think about my predicament for another hour before my eyelids drooped shut in


Shawn waited for me at the entrance to the school, a Dunkin Donuts drink in one hand and the other holding the door. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"You didn't have to wait for me," I said.

Shawn shrugged it off. "What kind of friends would we be if we didn't wait?"


"KEILAH!" Like a stampede, my other four best friends ran through the front doors and tackled me in a huge hug. I almost fell over the banister when Michael gripped me tight but luckily I had Luke to balance me out.

"Do we have a surprise for you, my child!" Michael grinned. The six of us moved through the hallways like a pack of dogs, except I was the puppy being shepherded by her brothers and her doggy love. Shawn and I took the back while my zany friends fooled around before us. Shawn kept looking back at me with a big, goofy smile on his face, and I probably had one too, considering all I could think about was the special moment we shared at his house. We bantered flirtatiously until the first bell rung and we had to split up to our first classes. Mine was English, and to my elation, I shared it with Shawn.

The words "poetry about you" were scrawled out in Mr. Fitz's neat, even handwriting when we took our assigned seats. I in the right of the middle row, him in the top left. Michael was in the fifth row way back, but that didn't stop him from pestering me as the lesson began.

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