Chapter 4

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Just saying, I didn't want the end to be the way it was because of their connection, but it's okay because this is a book and anything can happen.


His tattoo was so intriguing. It was really simple, but intricate at the same time. I suppose the meaning was why I thought it was simple, but the ink itself was detailed into every vein and stitch and it was beautiful. I thought about this as I walked out of the school. I almost forgot about my new car until my mother called to ask me if it had been stolen yet.

"Mom, it's right here. By the way, I'll be going over a friend's house, but I promise I'll be back for four, maybe four-thirty. Is that okay with you?" I asked over the car horns and chatter that fill the student lot.

Mom replied, "Of course, just make sure you come home. I hope you girls have fun!"

Shit. "Um, Mom, it's a boy. His name is Shawn." I got inside my car and waited for her reaction. Jeeps and Volvos passed as she ruminated on the other end.


"But it's still okay, right? I hang out with Michael and Luke--"

"I know who they are," Mom argued as I turned the key into the ignition. "I know their parents, I know they'll take care of you if something happens. I can't guarantee that with Shawn. For all we know, he could be planning to hurt you as soon as you two are alone."

"Mom, Shawn wouldn't hurt me! He couldn't even give a presentation in front of the class, so how could he do anything to me?"

A knock on my window surprised me and turned my attention away from the wheel. The Devil himself stood outside with his backpack on and a half smile plastered on his face.

"Mom, I have to go, I'll see you later. Bye." I ended the call and unlocked the car for Shawn to get in. He jogged to the passenger side and opened the door, placing his bag on the floor of the car before getting in himself.

Shawn buckled his seat belt as he apologized for needing a ride. " car broke down, I tried to get it to start and when I called the company they said it'd take an hour to get--"

"It's okay, Shawn. I'd be honored to carpool with you! Besides, I can't repay you enough for last night, it was the most fun I've had since... a long time." I gave him an assuring smile and he returned the favor.

Along the way to his house, Shawn told me about his sister Aaliyah and his time playing hockey even though he couldn't skate. I shared some facts of my own: how Michael, Ashton, Calum and Luke have been my best friends since 8th grade, how my mother likes to plant clothes in my closet.

Shawn's house came up faster than I thought it would and he told me to park in his usual spot. I heard the gravel driveway crackle underneath the wheels of the car and stepped out onto it. Shawn's mom peeked her head out of the window, and curiously she opened the door and walked onto the porch.

"Shawn, who's this? And where is your car?" Mrs. Mendes asked when we reached her.

"Hello, Mrs. Mendes. I'm one of Shawn's friends from school; my name is Keilah Morrison. Its so nice to finally meet you!" At the mention of her son having friends, her face lit up and she ushered us into the home.

Shawn led me to his sister's bedroom first, surprisingly, and called her name over the sound of music in her ear buds.

"Aaliyah! This is my good friend Keilah, so be nice to her please," he said.

Aaliyah rolled her eyes and smiled a little. "Since when do I ever bother your friends?"

"Never, but still. Okay, love you," Shawn waved and I waved too before going to his room. It was very clean, only a few articles of clothing here and there, and a laptop closed on his bed with music notes on it.

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