Generator 5 [Disney Movies]

54 3 24

Favorite Disney Movie:
Aladdin: Dust
Frozen: Storm
Bambi: Fawn
Cinderella: Clear
Sleeping Beauty: Briar
Lady and the Tramp: Wolf
Princess and the Frog: Toad
Other: Hazle
I don't like Disney or haven't seen it: Gorse

Least Favorite Disney Movie
Aladdin: Leap
Frozen: Gaze
Bambi: Flower
Cinderella: Water
Sleeping Beauty: Thorn
Lady and the Tramp: Flight
Princess and the Frog: Stripe
Other: Claw
I don't like Disney or Haven't seen it: Fang

[I'm Dustgaze ^-^ What about you? -Skittles]

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