Story One

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All characters and places belong to Sara J. Maas, the amazing author who created the Throne Of Glass series. YOU ARE AMAZING

I slammed the door to our bedroom and ran into the bathroom, slamming that door as I went. I sat on the edge of the tub and started sobbing, slowly slipping down so I ended up sitting inside the tub so my legs were draped over the edge.

A knock on the door. "Fireheart?" Rowan's voice called.

"GO AWAY!" I practically screamed "I DON'T EVEN WANT TO BE AROUND YOU" I yelled at him before breaking back into sobs, my whole body shaking as I cried. "Just leave me alone and go away." I said, a little softer.

"Fireheart; I-I'm so so sorry-"

"I don't care. Just get outta here. We were supposed to never judge each other. Never hurt each other. We were supposed to be "To Whatever End" remember? And you betrayed me and that promise."

"Fireheart" he said again, this time a plea, him begging for forgiveness. When I stayed silent he walked out the door and I started to cry again.
When I was done crying I stumbled out of our bedroom and into Aedion's room. He wasn't there so I collapsed on his bed and slept.

I awoke a little while later when Aedion came in. "Umm..Aelin? What the hell do you think you're doing here? I just got back from training. Why were you here and not there?"

"Was Rowan there?" I sniffed

"Yup. But he seemed a little bit off task, like something was bothering him. Do you know what it might be?"

"Yes. I'm not forgiving him. But I shouldn't I never will. Oh Aedion, he hurt and betrayed me!" I sobbed, throwing myself into my cousin's strong body. His arms slowly wrapped around me and pulled me closer as he realized what I had just said. He rested his face on top of my head as I cried into his chest, stroking my hair and murmuring meaningless words of comfort to me. We stood there like that for a while before Aedion picked me up and walked over to the bed, sitting down on it with me in his lap.
"What happened, Aelin? He asked softly. "How did he hurt you? And I promise that when I find him I will beat his ass so hard he won't be able to move for a week."

"He-he-he" I managed to get out before starting to sob again, pulling Aedion closer to me, the one person I could always count on to have my back. I took a deep breath. "He-he didn't come back to our room last night, I was up all night waiting for him. And wh-when he finally got home, he-he-he" I broke into sobs again, unable to tell the tale anymore.

"Aelin, it's ok. You don't have to-"

"No. No it's ok. I want to tell you. The wound is just so fresh and it hurts to clean it." I took another deep breath. "When he came home, it was late this morning and he stu-stumbled in like he was drunk and when I waited for his pine scent to envelope around me, it didn't but-but another scent did. An unfamiliar scent and I thought it was just another scent until we went to breakfast with Dorian and there was no conversation so I asked him why he didn't come home last night and then when he didn't answer but suddenly found his shoes and the floor to be very interesting, I put two and two together and realized he'd-he'd been" a couple of sobs "that he'd been with someone else. He had bedded another girl. And it was a human. A human he had just picked up off the streets. So I left and went into the bathroom and cried and eventually found myself here. I love him, Aedion, and I thought-I thought he loved me too. But I guess I was wrong. He never loved me. He broke my heart and now I can't even look at him". I broke into sobs on his chest and we stayed like that for a long time. Just me and my cousin, just how it used to be. We fell asleep like that, it was nice.

He must have put me in the bed at some point because the next morning I woke up all nice and cozy under the covers. Aedion was gone and was nowhere to be seen in his room. He wasn't in the kitchen, the bathroom, the training area, or the main bedroom.
"Oh shit" I muttered. He was probably out beating up Rowan for hurting me. But Rowan deserved it. I didn't know why I was worried for or sympathetic of Rowan. That bitch ought to have his ass kicked for what he did to me. He hurt me so much. When I finally found Aedion by his scent, I saw him with a few cuts and bruises all over his bare chest and his legs and he had a black eye.

"Oh Aedion! You poor thing! What happened?" I exclaimed.

"You should see Rowan." He said. "He looks even worse. I beat him up pretty good." Aedion smiled with satisfaction. " And what do you think happened? I beat the crap out of Rowan."

Hello everyone. This is my first time writing short stories so leave
a like and a comment if you want to see more. Thx for reading.

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