Chapter 6

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The next day at school was going slow, too slow. At least at lunch I got to sit down, enjoy my meal, and talk to my friends.

But there was just one thing, I kept thinking about Harry. 

It’s quite odd really. I spent one afternoon with him, but it left me filled with questions. 

Why is he rude sometimes? Why is he quiet, yet mysterious? Why do people fear him? Why is he English, yet he is in Texas? Why does he make me curious about him?

“Elena!” Allison shouted at me interrupting my thoughts. I guess they had been calling me, but I wasn’t paying attention, “We were asking about how it went at Harry’s yesterday.” They all had curious looks on their faces.

“Fine, it went fine. He has a nice place, very nice house. We just worked really.” I reply very quickly not really wanting him to take over my thoughts just as he did before.

I hear them teasing me (obviously in a friendish way), but I choose to ignore it. All of a sudden they stop and get quiet. I look up and they’re all looking at me and then back to Harry. Harry? He’s standing at the foot of our table and staring me down, his eyes not leaving mine.

“Can I help you, Harry?” I say in a rude tone, I didn’t mean to sound like that though. I feel bad, but hey he could’ve said something first.

“Someone’s a bit feisty today,” he has that infamous plastered smirk on his face again, “Anyways, you’re coming over again, right? To my house?” I didn’t even know we were going to work on the project again. I mean we never planned on it today. His voice sounded innocent. I looked in his eyes and it’s like I could tell he wanted me to say yes.

“Uhhh if you want me to, I will.” I say looking at his face, much more defined in the sunlight.

“Yeah, I do”, I feel the blush creep onto my cheeks, “I’ll uh…I’ll meet you here in the courtyard then after school.” And with that he’s gone. He seemed sorta nervous, towards the end at least. I didn’t even get a chance to respond. Through the corner of my eye I saw him walking off. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt like I needed to talk to him or something, maybe ask him where he was going, or just to see him again.

Before I got to even hear what my friends have to say, I get up and go towards Harry’s direction. What am I going to say to him? Oh hey, I just wanted to come say hi to you even though we just saw each other like 30 seconds ago. Yeah, I’m just gonna wing it.

Before I know it I call out, “Harry! Wait up!” He actually turns around, and I just hope this goes better than I expect.

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