Chapter 9

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So this chapter will be about 3 days later because I felt like it was going by a bit too slow and I really wanted to get to the action! ♡


-3- Days Later-

Despite his flirtatious attitude that day, nothing really happened at Harry’s house. Actually nothing really happened for the next couple of days, well besides working on the project. This geography project was really boring and actually made no sense to what we were learning, but surprisingly it turned out pretty great. Harry was really focused and concentrated and gave really good, thoughtful ideas which was something I did not expect from him. It was a bit odd though because he was this sarcastic and rude guy at school, but when we would get to his house he was decent and ‘nice’.  At least today is the last day I have to go to his house to work on this stupid assignment and hopefully we never have to speak again.

Its barley 7:15 when I decide to get up and get ready for school. Thankfully it’s Friday though which means I get to sleep in tomorrow. Eh it’s something to look forward to I guess. After getting dressed and ready to go, I head to the kitchen to grab an apple for breakfast. I stop in my tracks when I see my mother sitting at the table eating a bowl of oatmeal. It’s really odd seeing that. I’m always used to being the last one out of the house because my mother’s always at work by the time I leave and as for my dad, was never in the picture.

“Good morning sweetie” she breaks the silence.

I feel myself make a confused face as I say, “Morning, not to be rude but why are you still here? Shouldn’t you be at work by now?”

She giggles at my question.  It wasn’t even funny.

“I called in. I didn’t want to work today, I feel like I deserve a day off. I work too hard and I think I need time off every now and then. Don't you think?”

Since when does she ever take a day off? Even when I’m sick she never misses work. It’s quite odd that she’s taking a random day off, but I choose not to question it any further.

“Oh, well have a good day. I’ll see you later I guess.”

I begin to walk to the door when her voice stops me.

“Are you sure you don’t need a ride? I can take you to school if you need one.” She offers.

“I’d rather walk. I’m used to it anyway. Thanks for the offer though.”

She slightly nods and goes back to the kitchen.

My mom and I don’t have the best relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I love her because well she’s my mom, it’s just really hard to explain. We don’t really get on that good and bicker frequently, but I always assumed that’s what a mother and daughter always do.

I finally get to school and I walk to my locker and am greeted by Gina, Marissa, and Allison. Marissa and Allison were outgoing and loud (in a good way) while Gina was much more reserved. It was okay though because somehow we all clicked.

“So how about we all go to Sweets afterschool?” Marissa asks the three of us. Sweets is this cute, little ice cream shop that we all adore. They literally have the best homemade ice cream ever.

I was literally about to say yes, but then I remembered I had to go to Harry’s house. Ughhhh this stupid project keeps getting in the way of everything. “Sorry, I can’t I have to go to Harry’s place again. We have to finish that geo project. How about we shoot for tomorrow?”

Just as the words left my mouth, I see him walk through the halls and stop at his locker which is kinda across from mine. He looked really attractive today. His hair was pushed back into a bit of a quiff and he had on a vintage looking shirt which showed off his tattoos.He may be a rude person most of the time but he looked pretty hot…no doubt about it.

“ELENA. Are you gonna keep staring off at Harry all day or are you gonna walk with us to class?” Allison asks with a playful tone as I feel my face flush with embarrassment. I hadn’t even realized I was staring at him.

I did an uncomfortable laugh and they laughed with me. Marissa and Allison walked in front of Gina and me.

“It’s okay, to be honest I was staring at him too. ” Gina said out of nowhere as she sent me a smile. I sent one back, but mine was not genuine. I don’t know, but the thought of Gina checking out Harry made me a tad bit jealous.


Before I knew it, the day was over which meant going to Harry’s house for the last time. It’s weird because I felt used to him and me going to his house every day after school and now it’s just going to end like nothing.

I grab my things and quickly shuffle to the courtyard to meet Harry.

“You ready to go?” he asks.

“Well hello you too. Yeah let’s head out.” I respond back trying to be as sassy as possible.

“Whatever you say sunshine.” He has a smirk on his lips as he gave me a ‘nickname’.

I scoff lightly and make my way over to his car. He opens the car door for me. At least I know he does have some manners.

The car ride is quiet and the silence is very awkward. I don’t like it, but I’m not even gonna try to attempt and break it.

After a while in the car, we finally get to his house. We set our stuff down and he asks if I want something to drink, which I say yes to. As he goes to the kitchen I sit down on the living room couch. Every time I come over I love to look at his family photos. There’s just so many. I hate being nosy, but it’s so interesting to look at family photos of other people.

One picture that I never noticed before catches my eyes. It’s Harry with a wide grin holding a baby. She’s no older than about one and she has a cute grin herself with only about two teeth. I wonder who she is. She’s really adorable, no doubt about it. I want to ask him about it, but not now.

I lean down on the couch I was sitting on and check the time on my phone. 4:12 is written on the screen. Harry comes back into the living room and he has two lemonades. He hands one to me and I mutter a small thank you. Again with the awkward silence.

“So why do you like looking at these photos? Literally every time, and I mean every time you come over you look at them.” He says out of nowhere.

Whoops, I guess I was caught.

“I don’t know to be really honest. I guess I just like to look at pictures because it’s interesting to see how people were when they were younger. You have a nice looking family by the way.” I tell him.

A small smile appears on his lips as he nods.  “Thanks. I guess my mum is the type to put all this creative crap up here with all these photos.”

“It is not crap Harry! I think it’s really cute that she spent this much time to create something like this for your family.” I reply as he laughs.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Our laughs slowly fade away as we awkwardly look at each other. “So let’s work then, yeah?”

For the next hour we finish this geography. It feels like we have been working on it for ages when in reality it’s been only about four or five days. All we need is to have it printed out and we are good to go.

“I’m gonna go print this upstairs, I’ll be right back.” He says as he makes his way up the stairs and out of sight.

Out of nowhere my phone begins to ring. I pull it out of my pocket to read who it was. Mom appeared on the screen and I sighed. She constantly calls to check up on me, this being one of the many times.

“Yes Mother?” I answer slightly annoyed with her numerous calls. I only call her mother when I’m frustrated.

“Elena? Can you come home please? It’s- It’s important.” Her voice sound weak and vulnerable, almost like she is on the verge of tears.

Something is wrong, I know it. I just know it.              

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