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"You can't run away from your problems forever, you know." Jonathan tells me, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Yeah I know, but sometimes they scare me. Life isn't fair to me." Jonathan and I have been talking non stop since we decided to become best friends. He trusted me with his real name, so I trusted him with my story.

"It's kind of weird, you know?"

"What's weird?"

"Us. I mean, our lives. Both of our mommies died and we're both always running away from something." He says, looking like he's thinking hard. Out of nowhere, his eyes light up and he snaps his fingers together.

"Maybe it's fate!"

"Maybe it's what?"

"I dunno. Maybe fate brought us together. I've heard the old tales about fate. It's supposed to be really strong thingy or something. Like it brings two people together for something super special." I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

"Who knows? Maybe we were meant to be best friends." I reply. We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying the presence of one another. It's refreshing, having somebody to talk to about yourself. Or just having somebody to talk to at all.

"Hey Jonathan?" He quickly puts a finger to his lips and quietly shushes me.

"Shh! My dad might hear you say my name!"

"Oh! Right, sorry. Hey, Matthew?"

"Yeah what is it?"

I hesitate before asking, "What happens if I never see you again?" He looks awfully confused.

"What do you mean?" I look down at my hands.

"What if you're not safe here? What if the bad guy finds out where you are and then you and your dad have to leave? What will we do?"

His happy expression turns into one of sadness. "I don't know, but no matter where we'll be, do you promise me we'll still be best friends?"

I smile at the handsome dark haired boy and hold out my pinky.

"I pinky promise. When you pinky promise, that means a promise can never be broken." We link fingers and laugh.

"Pinky promise."

"Oh, and by the way, Matthew? Feel free to call me by my code name, Rose." He simply smirks at me, a twinkle forming in his eyes. I bite back a smile.

"Hm, Rose...I like it. But not as much as Selah. I'd prefer her over Rose any day." I silently giggle into my hands, a warm and fuzzy feeling forming in my chest.

I hope he won't be leaving anytime soon.


"C'mon, breathe! Breathe goddammit!"

Darkness. That's the only thing I can see and feel. Complete and utter darkness. But who is that? Wait, where the hell am I?

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