Chapter 2

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*Dan's P.O.V*

October, 24

I walked into class the next day, my backpack slung over my shoulder. My eyes burned from lack of sleep, and my legs felt like they would collapse at any moment. I shuffled over to my seat, and sat down, grateful for the momentary rest. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. I was kept up all night, thinking about Phil. Oh, how I wanted my friend back. To be able to sit and laugh with him. To smile at him, and get a smile in return. To be truly happy again, and for him to be happy along side me. I groaned, letting my head fall into my hands. Phil would be here soon, so I had to put on a cheerful smile, and act positive. I stood up quickly, stretching, trying to wake up more. It was then, that I looked at my easel. I felt my heart drop, noticing that the picture I had painted yesterday was gone. Looking around the classroom, I saw that everyone else's painting was still here. I had worked so hard on that painting, wanting it to be perfect for Phil. 
The bell rang, and the rest of the class walked in, excluding Phil. He was always late. The teacher sat at his desk, looking grumpy and tired. I walked up to his desk at a fast pace, trying my best to remain calm.
"Someonetookmypainting." I said quickly.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
I took a deep breath, and tried again.
"Someone took my painting." I informed him, trying not to lose my composure.
He frowned and looked over to my empty easel.
"I'm sorry, Daniel, but I don't know what happened to it." He replied in a monotone voice, reserved for teachers.
I was beginning to panic, and I didn't know what to do.
He sighed, and reached under his desk, pulling out another blank canvas.
"You'll have to start again. I'm sorry." He said, with no sympathy in his voice.
I glared at him, taking the canvas from his hands, and carrying it back over to my easel. I set it down lightly, and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 
It's okay. I can just start again. 
I got my pencil out, and began sketching a new picture, this one being of me and Phil playing video games at my house. I had finished the rough outline of Phil's slim body, when he walked into the room. Time seemed to freeze as he walked in, taking the breath right out of my lungs. I quickly put a cheeky grin on my face and turned to greet him.
"Hey, Phil!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.
I felt his body stiffen against mine, but then relax as I slowly released him. I kept the smile plastered on my face, even as Phil ignored me, listening to his music as always. 
I reminded myself again, that this wasn't Phil's fault.
Phil had his music unusually loud today, and I could hear bits and pieces of song lyrics blaring from his ear buds. I listened closely, and one of the lyrics seemed to jump out at me.
"Sometimes it's a battle, other times it's a war, but you're never defenseless."
My eyes widened as I heard that, and I turned to my drawing, erasing what I had done so far. I worked quickly, re-drawing everything, working hard to do this for Phil. I knew the song he was listening to. 

*Time skip*

I while later, I was finished. Covered in paint, and as exhausted as ever. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, holding my breath as I tapped Phil's shoulder.
Please let this get through to him.
He looked up at me, a questioning look splayed on his face. I pointed at my ears, telling him to take his ear buds out. He rolled his eyes and did what I wanted, taking them out. I smiled sheepishly, blushing slightly.
"I-I painted something for you again." I told him. 
For a second, I though I saw something change in him, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.
He looked over at my painting, and his eyes widened at what he saw. I had painted four pictures, one in each corner. In the top left, it said "All of my life I've built this armor, every disguise I ever wore." It had a picture of Phil, dressed in battle armor, looking out at a battle field. In the top right, it said "Facing the end, I said 'What for?'" It had a picture of Phil, standing at the edge of a building, looking down. In the bottom left, it said "After our time has passed, we're like light through stained glass." I had painted Phil and me, standing by a stained glass window, our eyes closed, the light hitting our faces at all different angles. In the bottom right, it held the last picture. It said "Sometimes we all lose strength, please don't loose your faith in me." It had a picture of me looking at Phil, and Phil ignoring me with his ear buds in. In the very middle, I wrote "Catch hold of the madness." in blocky lettering. I smiled slightly, proud of my work.
"Do you like i-" I started, but froze as I looked over at Phil.
He had a hand clasped tightly over his mouth, as tears ran down him face. 
He was staring at the painting, like he had never seen anything like it before. He carefully reached his free hand out to touch the side of the painting. He looked up at me, through his tear-filled eyes, choked sobs escaping his mouth. 
"Dan," He started.
I shook my head, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.
"I want you to be happy again, Phil. I know you're dealing with something, and I thought that this would help." I explained.
Before I even knew what was happening, he stood up quickly and wrapped me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him back tightly. He cried against my shoulder, and I cried against his. 
"You can keep the painting, you know." I told him once we pulled away.
He nodded, and picked up the painting.
"I'll s-see you tomorrow." Phil said, as he bolted from the classroom, painting in hand.

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