Chapter 3

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*Phil's P.O.V* (Shocking, I know.)

I hung the painting on the wall, putting it next to the rest. I had quite a collection of Dan's paintings, as he always gave them to me when they were done. Even if he didn't, I would still take them. I felt a bit guilty for stealing the painting he made of us, but I needed it. His paintings were the only things that made me happy anymore.

I sighed, falling backwards onto my bed.

Dan was everything to me, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him like I did when we were kids. I was too sad. I was unbearably sad.

Dan knows that.

Dan understands that.

He doesn't ask why, because he knows I don't want to talk about it.

Dan has always been there for me, through everything. He just doesn't know what everything is.

~Flash back~

I was sitting in my room, my hands covering my ears.

"I hate you!" "I hate you more!" I heard my parents yelling back and forth.

Things were breaking. Things were being thrown.

"Please stop." I whispered to myself, begging them in my mind.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to block out the sounds. I tried so hard to ignore them.

Then it stopped. It all stopped.

A car engine started and sped away quickly, tyres squealing on the pavement.

~End of flashback~

I wiped a stray tear from my cheek, thinking about when my dad left.

He never came back, never made contact again.

That was the end and the beginning.

The end of my happiness. The end of our family. The end of my trust.

It was the start of my depression. It was the start of my hatred towards everything. It was the start of being a bad friend to Dan.

I tried so hard to push him away. To get him away from me. I didn't want to make him miserable too.

I wanted him to be happy, because I couldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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