They baked with you

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"(F/N), wanna taste~?" Karma asked, bringing his finger with the whipped cream close to your face.

"Sure!" You said and used a spoon to taste, "Woah! It tastes good!"

"Yeah," Karma said with irritation because of the fact that you didn't taste the cream that was on his finger.

"(F/N)~" Karma cooed as you were busy adding eggs to the flour, "You have a little something on your cheek,"

As you were about to wipe your cheek, he licked you. "EEEWWWW!!!" You smacked him on the head, "USE A NAPKIN NOT YOUR TONGUE!!"


"(F/N)-chan, beat them faster so they'll have soft peaks." Nagisa smiled.

After beating the egg whites faster, your arms started to ache, "Nagisa, are they soft peaks yet? My arms hurt..."

"I'll take over," He said, "You go and place the cupcake liners on the cupcake pan."

"Kayy," You said and did as he told.

"Okay! I'm done!" Nagisa said, "Let's place them in the oven now." He approached the oven and opened it.

"(F/N)-chan, you forgot to preheat the oven!"

"I'm sorry.." You said and started to preheat the oven.

Nagisa pat your head, "It's fine. Let's just make some use of what's left to make smaller cupcakes to kill time."


"...and then you add water from time to time," Isogai said, "Once you're done, you put them all on the cake pan and throw it in the oven for 20 minutes,"

"Ohhh," You said as you placed the cake in the oven, "This is quite easy!!"

Isogai placed his hand on your shoulder, "Since you did your best, I'm sure it'll taste great."

"What if it ends up bad?" You asked.

He chuckled and kissed your forehead, "It won't."


"Maehara, pass the vanilla extract!!"

"Didn't you just put vanilla extract earlier??"

"I need 2 more eggs!!"

"2 more?!"

"I need salt too!!"

"What?!" Maehara hugged the salt, "Why?!"

"Because it said so!!" You replied, "Give me the salt!" You held your hand out.

"I'm pretty sure you put salt earlier too," Maehara said.

You tried to grab the salt but slapped Maehara's hand causing it to spill on the mixture of ingredients.

After the awkward silence, you spoke, "W-Well, I'm sure we can scrape up the salt."

As you were about to scrape up the salt, it slowly sunk. Maehara looked pale and so done with life.

"R-Relaaaax," You stuttered, "The salt might burn because of the heat in the oven," You put the mixture in the cake pan and placed it in the oven, "R-Right~?


The oven rang and you brought out the cake and placed it on the counter. "W-Well?"

Maehara came to check it out. He took a fork out and got a small piece of cake. He smelled the scent of the cake and immediately made a gagging sound.

"Hey! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, (F/N)-chan," He said and took a bite, "Shit! It's hot!!!!" He spit it out, "And gross!!"

"Oopps, forgot to cool it," You said and stuck your tongue out, "Teehee."


"(F/N)," Gakushuu said while mixing, "Baking powder,"

"Here," You said as you pass the baking powder.

"Thank you," He said and continued mixing, "You may sit down now and relax,"

You pout as you did as he told, 'Sheesh, I wanna bake too, dumbass.'

"Hm, what's wrong (F/N)?" Gakushuu asked you with the mixing bowl in his arms.

"I wanna bake too.." You said.

He chuckled and stuck a spoon in your mouth, "Tastes good right?"

You blushed and averted your eyes, "Yeah.."

"I'm just bragging," He laughed, "We can bake together after this," He smiled.


:) hope ya guys liked this. im so sorry for not updating.

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