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After a week of hi and bye Rory was finally coming home! She was ready too she got to see her mom and Jason was going home too. They rode together all the way home and got off in Stars Hollow where they got off to see Lorelai, Sookie, and Luke.
Rory was running strait there off the train platform. Jason ran to keep up with her. When they got there there was all of the town waiting for them Rory was so happy and Jason smiled at all of it. Rory was happy to be home. They were going to go see Nicky wend Leyn called and told them to come over. Rory went to Sookie's and then to Leyn's where Leyn told Rory she was pregnant. She was now two months in and only having one this time. Rory said, " wow Leyn that's amazing is it a girl or a boy?" Asked Rory. "It's a girl that's what I'm talking about I want you to be Lauren's godmother?" Asked Leyn. "Yes in a heartbeat I would be!" Said Rory. Leyn and Zack were introduced to Jason who had to be in Hartford in the morning and left after meeting everyone in town.
Lorelai and Rory were taught how to fish and try to be patient but end up catching nothing but seaweed. They stunk at fishing so they got Luke to tell them to be patient. While the waited they decided they were going to watch a movie when they got home. All of a sudden both of their poles started shacking really hard they grabbed their poles and reeled them in and they both caught a fish which they released and then they went home and watched  all the Godfather movies and ate pizza.

Later during the last movie Jason and Luke showed up. Luke was lecturing Jason about being nice to Rory. Lorelai and Rory paused the movie and ran out there and each hugged their man and kissed them getting Luke to forget it and they came in and watched the movie and finished the movie than they went to dinner at Luke's where Caesar served them burgers and fries except Luke who had a salad and carrots," don't you eat anything good?" Luke asked them. "Nope." Said all three at once. They ate their dinner then they all split up and each went home. Jason stayed with Lorelai and Rory on the extra bed they popped out. They said good night to each other than went to bed.

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