CHAPTER 4 One day until fundraiser

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"Morning" I say to Mrs.Fellir

"Oh good morning Emily, the tables that we have found are on the ovals with a tent ready to be set up. But you'll need more, we only found four if your teens wouldn't ruin everything and that's barely enough."

"It's ok we've found a guy supplying some more for the food and if people want to sit and eat while watching the movie."

"Who's we?"

"Oh me and Liam. The new guy"

"Oh alright well they're on the ovals ready to be set up"

"Thanks Mrs.Fellir"

As I was walking out I walked straight into the door.

"Day dreaming" Mrs.Fellir chuckles.

"I believe so" I say running out of the office.

As I'm walking out of the office I hear my name and I turn around. Of course its Liam.

"You know you always catch me in my worst moments" He smirks.

"Um I don't know if you want to know this but you have stickers in your hair. Probably from that door" he says pointing to the office door.

"Oh geez thanks" I say pulling at my hair. But instead of me trying to get the stickers out he just gets them out for me without warning. He had them out straight away and it didn't hurt.

"Sorry" he said "I just couldn't let you struggle as you pulled your hair out" he laughed.

"ha thanks I don't fancy being bold" I laugh.

"Anyway why were you in the office? Detention?"

"Oh I was just organising the tables Mrs.Fellir found four and we have the other guy supplying some more so we should be good to go." I said as we walk into homeroom. Here comes trouble I say seeing Britney and Lola talking to Josh. I walk past them and try to avoid them but it doesn't work because the next thing I know Barbie is standing right in front of me. "Um hey Britney how's life?" I ask.

"Don't hey Britney me we know why you're not coming to our party and its because of Liam" oh no shut up Britney please. "You don't want to come to the party because you want to spend time with your high school crush but trust me honey for you there's no such thing as high school sweethearts"

That's it I've had enough! "Excuse me! Britney all I've ever been to you was nice and you treat me like I'm a piece of shit but guess what I'm the same as you I'm human and I have feelings but one thing I have that you don't is that my feelings are getting hurt constantly and you don't seem to care. You don't care about the fact my father has just died my mother is god knows where and I have to look after Cat. We were best friends. What happened Brit? What happened?" I still can't believe what I just said. secrets don't exist for me anymore. That's another person holding a knife.

"I didn't hear an answer"

"You want an answer my answer is that I don't want a repeat of year 7 waking up with marker on my face year 8 my clothes "getting lost" or "I didn't bring them" I'm sick of it Brit you're a horrible person! You're a person I don't want to be around"

"Ok fine if you think she's right or want to be her friend and ditch me go stand next her! If you think I'm right like usual come stand next to me" oh my god what has this turned into. "GOOD LUCK TRYING TO FIND FRIENDS"

"Brit this is ridiculous"

"Well you think you're better than me so prove it" as she says that I watch Liam move to my side I think my heart stops. We have five minutes we need to hurry this up.
"sorry brit" grace lily and mia say walking to my side. And all the boys follow. I couldn't handle this my head was spinning and I had butterflies in my stomach. I ran out of the classroom when I reached the toilets I could feel myself falling but I didn't hit the ground I was in his arms. "Emily"I hear my name. "W-wow what's happening?"

"Well everyone is fighting because Barbie had no one on her side and then all the girls started arguing and that's when you ran out and I came running after you"

"Thanks" I say trying to stand. "really I'm ok let's just get to class the bell's already gone"

We made it just in time for roll call and Britney looked ill and guilty. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her because in periods one and two she was alone and that's not normal how will recess and lunch treat her?

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