CHAPTER 6 She'll never know fundraiser=tonight

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"Ok what's going on?" I ask walking up to the old Britney troop.

"Hmmm oh the new girl Carly is hanging out with Britney our plan worked" Grace says smiling.

"Oh you mean Barbie?"

"No I mean Britney and only me and josh call her that. You know she feels guilty and she doesn't have her friends by her side how do you think she feels? Just because I told her how I feel she doesn't know how you feel"

"Well she has Carly."

"Ok so Brit has been a nightmare but you never told her that you felt she was being a pain in the neck. She thought if people talked about her she'd get noticed and popular, but no one spoke of her in a nice way. She was confused with friends, boys and popularity. I wouldn't know because I'm not popular I don't have lots of friends and I'm not...flirty but I do know she didn't want her friends taken away from her."

Now its Ivy who speaks "Look I understand she has been through a lot lately but if she wants us to stand by her she needs to change"

"But why are you caring all of a sudden?"

"Because I've seen what she does and heard what she's said and it's not nice stuff"

"Ok well, when you're ready, go talk to her okay?"

We walk into class just in time "HERE" I shout.

"You're lucky" scowls Miss.Rayvan "Ok class you're dismissed for period 1"

In period 1 I notice Brit and her friendship group sitting together again. The end of period 2 came and I went out to shot some hoops when Liam comes sprinting towards me. "WOW Liam breath just breath. OK what happened?" This is what Josh normally tells me when I'm about to go crazy and I don't blame him.

"OK, so I just got a text from the guy supplying the tables and there's a problem"

"Ok...wait WHAT?"

"He's ditched us for a wedding"

"but we had cash" I groan. I just feel like digging myself up in a hole right now actually when do I not?

"Well I have exams so I can't- "

"Chillax I've got this just meet me here after school ok? See you tonight" He smiles his beautiful smile and then he's gone. I'm just left there staring in mid-air. "HEADS" Emma calls but I mustn't hear her because the ball hits me right on my butt. "Nice aiming" I laugh.

"Why does new boy want you to stay after school?"

"I honestly have no idea"

Best birthday ever, nah not really. Not good at all!

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