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"Guys wake up we're going to Disney today!" I woke up and saw my mom and Apryll standing by the door. For a second I was confused until I remembered we were at Florida. "Oh yeah!" I jumped out of bed and looked at Zach. He was still sound asleep. "I'll get him up" I whispered to my mom and Apryll. They laughed and nodded. Once they got out I jumped in the shower. I put my Justin Bieber playlist on because who doesn't like Justin Bieber. Once I finished I put some shorts on with a black tank top with Minnie Mouse on it. I brushed my hair and blow dried it. I didn't straighten it or anything I just left it natural. I put some makeup on and brushed my teeth. I walked out and Zach was still sleeping. I wondered how he could sleep through all the noise. I laughed at the thought and thought about how cute he looked while sleeping. I took out my phone and put flash on and took a picture making sure the volume was up. He opened his eyes slightly while blinking. "Where am I? OH MY GOD AM I DEAD?!" He screamed and sat up. I started laughing really hard. "No you're not dead" I assured Zach. "Oh wow I got scared" he said laughing at himself. I backed up and fell on my butt. "Oww" Zach layed back down and closed his eyes. I jumped on him. "Zach get up get up get up!!" He groaned and pushed me off of him. I sighed and started getting up. Before I left he grabbed my arm and pulled me on the bed and out his arm around me. "Zaaaachhhh!!! Come on we're leaving soon" I whined. "Just 5 more minutes. I got dressed when you were in the shower" Ehh whatever I could use 5 more minutes. Zach pulled me in closer and I somehow ended up falling back asleep. I woke up from the sound of a camera. I opened my eyes and saw my mom and Apryll taking pictures of me and Zach cuddling. I smiled and looked at Zach. His eyes were opened but he wasn't saying anything. I tried to get out of his grip but he kept holding on to me. "Zach come on we have to go" Apryll said. He groaned and finally got up. "I can't believe we are going to Disney!! It's been my dream since forever!!" I jumped up and down. "Alright well let's go" our moms said at the same time. They walked out and me and Zach followed behind them. He put his arm around me and said "You look beautiful today" and kissed my cheek. I blushed and layed my head in his shoulder.

*skip to Disney*

"We. Are. Finally. Here. Oh. My. God!!!!" I squealed. "Okay guys you can go off and do whatever. Don't do anything you're not supposed to though and make sure to keep in touch with me. Me and your mom will be just looking around so have fun!" Apryll said. I grabbed Zachs hand and started dragging him everywhere. "Pick a ride Sav we have time to ride the other ones so let's pick one for now" Zach said. I guess he was right. I kept going to each ride saying "This one! No this one! This one looks the best! No over here!" I finally agreed on a ride so we waited in line.

*skip 5 hours*

"Okay so we rode a lot of rides and it's already 7 so what now?" Zach asked. I looked around and saw a guy taking pictures for people. "Let's ask that guy if he can take a picture of us!" I squealed and dragged Zach over to him. "Hello sir can you take a picture of us by the castle?" I asked politely. "Yes that will be $5" I looked at Zach with a puppy dog face and he rolled his eyes and laughed. He got $5 and I gave it to the man. I put on my Minnie Mouse ear hat thing I got. Me and Zach walked over kinda by the castle and kissed each other for the picture. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his sides. "Alright here you go!" The man said. "Thank you so much!" I grabbed the picture and looked at it. "Awe look how cute you are" Zach said smiling. I smiled and kissed him. "I heard that there are gonna be fireworks later so we could ride a few more rides and wait for the fireworks" Zach said. "Okay" I grabbed his hand and we went to ride more rides.

*skip to 10 p.m.*

"I think it's time for fireworks" I said. Zach agreed so we went to find a good spot. There were lots of people crowded around so it was hard to get a good seat. We ended up standing and it wasn't that close to where they were letting them off at. Oh well I'll be fine as long as I'm with Zach. The fireworks started going off and Zach put his arm around me and grabbed my hand. I layed my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the fireworks.

*back at the hotel*

"and then the tracks looked broken but they weren't really broken is was made that way. And it went backwards down the hill really fat and it sounded like the monster was after us!" I was explaining the rides to our mothers and Zach was laughing. "What" I asked. "Nothing you're just cute when you're excited" he lifted my hand up and kissed it. I laughed and started yawning. "You tired?" Zach asked. "Yeah and my legs hurt" I said. Zach went in front of me and kneeled down a little. "You want me, a fat hippo, to get on your back" I ask laughing. "You're not a fat hippo now get on" he said. "Okay brace yourself" I giggled. I jumped on his back and it didn't look like he was struggling at all. "You're literally a feather!" He said. He started running to our hotel room. When we got inside he dropped me at the end of the bed. I started laughing. He put his arms on both of my sides and leaned down and kissed me. "Feel better?" He asked smiling. "Yeah but I'm still tired so I'm going to sleep" I said while getting up to get changed. I went in the bathroom and got into a comfy pair of shorts and a loose t-shirt. I walked out and Zach was already laying down. I got in bed and said "goodnight Zach I love you" while turning off the lights. "Goodnight beautiful I love you" and I fell asleep.

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