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Word Count: 1,060

Alexandra POV.
I looked outside the taxi's window and see all the trees soon going away and being replaced by buildings. As the taxi stops the man charges me and I pay. I get off and grab my suitcases. I look at the building infront of me and sigh.

"Another new city, another new apartment, another new people and another new blood." I mumble and smirk at myself.

I walk into the building and see a lady in a desk. I walk to her and ring the bell in her desk. She jumps at the sound of the small object and looks at me.

"Hello, how may I help you child?" Tha lady asked.

"Umm, I'm the one who called a few days ago that I was looking for an apartment and saw this one in an ad, and I wanted to rent it." I said and she nodded.

"Ah yes, you rented room number fourty-five, floor 5. Here's your key." She said handing me my key. I nodded and went to the elevator and pressed floor five. I waited a few second until the door opened. I walked out and searched for my apartment.

"Fourty-three, fourty-four and fourty-five." Imumbled and inserted the key in the lock hole and unlocked the door. I walk in with my suitcase behind and look around. I put my suitcase next to the door and close the door.

I walk around and saw a small kitchen, a bedroom down the short hall and a balcony.

I walk to the balcony and open the door. I step out and inhale the fresh air. I look around and see the sun coming down and I smirk.

"Feeding time." I say and walk in closing the balcony door and locking it. I fix my blonde hair in a ponytail.

I walk out my door and took the elvator once again. The elevator doors opened and I walked out. I left my apartment building and walked around in hopes of finding new blood.

The moon is at it's highest peack. I notice that tomorrow is gonna be a full moon and I curse.

I walk around and decide to got in the roofs. I get up a cafes roof and keep going. Jumping from one room to another.

I stop when I see a group of people hovered around something. I sniff the air and get the smell of blood go through my nostrils and I smirk. I was about to jump down when I see a man in suit and a women walk over.

The man in the suit looks my way and notices me. 

"Shit." I mumble and ran with my vampire speed away from them. I arrive close to a quite small cabin and I knock. A Women in her thirties opened the door. "You will not scream and you will invite me in." The woman smiled.

"Please, come in." I stepped inside and attached myself on her neck.

"Mommy." A small boy called out and saw me feeding of his mother. His eyes widened in fear and ran to his bedroom. I dropped his mother and walked over to him. He looked at me with fear.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I promise. I just want you to forget everything you saw here. Okay?" I asked compelling him and he nodded. "Now go to bed. It's past your curfew." I said and layed him down and put the covers on him. I walked out to his mother and saw she was still breathing. I quickly lifted her up and made her eyes open and look at me with fear also. I compelled her to forget about what happened tonight and go to bed.

I walk out the small cabin and started walking back to my apartment.

"I knew I've never seen you before." I heard and turned around and saw the man with a suit. "I'm Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson." He introduced and put up his hand and I shook it carefully. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" He asked eyeing me.

"How much did you see?" I asked avoiding his question.

"Enough to know your a hybrid." He said and my eyes widened.

"But I'm not." I said and he chuckled.

"Yes you are." He said. "Now how about you introduce yourself." He said in his deep british accent I noticed now. I nodded.

"I'm Alexandra." I said and he nodded. "Now I better leave if you don't mind." I said and started walking away.

"Have you killed any vampires?" He asked and I shook my head and left.

Elijah POV.

If she hasn't killed any vampires then that means Klaus is here. She's new here.

I shook my head and walk away.

I get back to the fallen  witch and see her sister.

"She was my sister, Kylie." She said.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I replied still thinking about Alexandra.

Time Skip...
Alexandra pOV.

I got to my apartment and locked the door. Who the hell was that guy. He knows a lot about vampires and hybrids.

He asked if I killed any vampires, that means there's more of them. I went to my bathroom and took a shower then went to my bedroom. I layed down in my bed and tried once again to sleep. But it's no use. I can't sleep. I think about my past, my family, friends and love.

"Forget about it Alexandra, none of that is gonna keep you going." I said outloud to myslef and turned to my side.

I close my eyes once again this time succeding in falling asleep.

Elijah POV.

"Rebekah she is a hybrid. Otherwise how would her eyes glow yellow?" I say to Rebekah over the phone and she sigh's.

"Elijah, I don't know. Listen I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said and I hung up.

I leave and found Klaus up in a balcony.

"Hello Elijah." He said and I nodded.

"We need to talk." I said and he looked at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"There's another hybrid living here." I said and his eyes widened.

Helllo hope you like

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