Chapter 21

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 Driving to my parents house, it takes about three days to get there, sense we wern't wolves. Telling my Amore that I didn't warn my parents I was coming, that I wanted her to be a surprise. Walking through the door I hear Dad on the phone with someone, and he was....laughing? Before I could hear any of the conversation, he hung up.

 " Well, well, well" Says, a little girl about ten, with black hair, and adorable violet eyes.

" that must be a big well"

" Hahaha, what do you have here big brother. Is it your Mate, perhaps?"

" SHUSH! I want to tell dad, face to face, not be over heard by you"


" Excuse me, just cause i'm not wolf, doesn't mean I can't still hear you. So for your information I am going to be the one to tell your Mother and Father not pup!" Punching him in his gut, I march right into his father's office. Walked right up to him. Whacked his head and told him. " why did I get suck with your sorry excuse of a wolf son, he is a big wolf-head"

 Instead of punching my lights out, he laughs. So hard that tears are running down his face. "what's so funny, didn't I just, I don't know insult you or something.?" 

" No...he ha, just made my day. My son has finally found his match in you." Still snickering, I whack his head again for good measure. This time he growls at me. Getting hit in the head by an Auburn, beauty.

" Don't you dare growl at our almost daughter-in-law, show some respect My Amore. Now baby, what has my son done now?" 

" May I call a friend first?"


 My Amore ran right in there, not knowing what she'd face. Before I could run in there, my best friends Jason and Nathaniel, grabbed me and started pulling me away from the door. Growling low in my throat, warning them to let me go. Before I could snap, my little sister Sadie, punched me in the arm. " Bro, Mother told them to grab you, so you wouldn't run in and do something stupid, So knock it off, and go."  Did I mention she's a pain in the butt.

 Jason is a six foot two, man of muscle. Dark brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and he has a couple of freckles across his nose. Jason is my warrior, along with his twin brother Mason, they have this saying. They keep photos of each other and show them to there girlfriends, and the first girl to tell them apart, is definitely their love match. As of right now they are Mate less.

 Nathaniel,is a six foot four, man of steal, has rugged brown hair, sparkling onyx eyes with a splash of silver. He's my Packs Betta. Everyone would call him heartless, but all he needs is a Mate to melt, my betta's hard heart. He was a big softy, but the love of his life( not his mate) broke his heart. It's to painful to talk about it. 


 Finally crying it all out, I see a murderous expression on his mother's face and a painful one on his father's. " Alpha's, now that I've cried all over you guys, could I get your names?"

" Oh yes dear, my name is Sophia and my thick headed Mate is, Wyatt. to tell you the truth i never thought my son would be as dense as him. I'll give him a good talking to"

" Oh please don't, I want to have him realize it on his own, I think I already love him."

 Squealing in delight, Sophia hugs me in a tight wolf hug, crying she says. " Wyatt! we'll finally get, get grand-kids." Howling in joy. she yanks Wyatt, out of his chair and starts kissing, blushing bright red I mumble " I think i'll just go, and um....check out the house." Practically running out of the room I run into a hard chest. Looking up a see an unfamiliar face.Screaming, I pass out.


Waking I hear a load thundering voice. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY MATE, JASON!!!" opening my eyes, I see Cameron, almost strangling a man, who i guess would be Jason. Mumbling under my breath I stand up only to fall back down. Cameron rushes over. " baby are you OK, please tell me your Okay, or my friend here is gonna feel pain."

" Hey i'm hurt here, all I was doing, was walking down the corridor, to my room. When this beauty here ran into me. Screamed, and passed out. Then I have a big bad wolf, chomping on my throat, literally. shesh! I am out of here."

Calling out, to Jason. "I'm sorry I did that, I was just scared, I've never been here before, and your big." Sam grumbled at that.

My phone rings, so I pick it up. Hearing a breathless Lily on the other end, I get scared. " Lucy! I just found a werewolf at the zoo, I just broke her out and was being chased by a police man, but luckily Luna learned a camouflage spell. I finally got her to trust me enough to change back and tell me her name." Silence on the phone 

" her name, Lily?"

" Oops sorry i'm trying to catch my breath, her name is Isabella. she is so shy and loving. She gets along great with Stella, and the kids. It's so adorible. The good and bad part is, she comes from a foster family for werewolf pups. I found out she WAS being abused, so I went and challenged him to a fight. Sam was very mad for not telling him, but for the record he would have stopped me. But as soon as I set the challenge, well he weasled out, running for the hills, with his tail tucked. Leaving, Isabella, Grace and twins a girl and boy, their names are, Naomi, and Thomas, but he likes being called Tommy. weird kid. Before Sam blows a fuse for getting off track. I want to know, how are you doing?"

" Well Lily i am doing terrific, I was actually wondering if you would bring you and the girls over for couple of nights just us girls. What do you say?" I hear squealing, begging and pleading.

Then she comes on the phone, howling. " YES! when do you wants us over?"

" How does next week sound?"

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