Chapter 1

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 It all started the day I met Sam, my friend Lucinda, but everyone calls her Lucy, she has shiny black hair and big doe eye’s, she reaches five foot two and if you ever pee her off, (brr)you don't want to know.

 Me I have thick brown hair, saphire blue eye’s, and I reach about five foot four, and everyone crosses paths with me, because they think I’m an easy target, but they wait for Lucy to leave me alone before they attack, because of the incident that happened awhile ago. Let’s just say that the kid moved FAR away.

Lucy and I. We we’re going to class when the very annoying jocks came bursting around the corner, there on the muscular side, now if you would have been there that would have been very funny to watch.

 Now the only reason the jocks would be running is if the snotty cheerleaders were coming. The head cheer queen is Missy; she's got blonde hair, electric blue eyes, which could freeze you over if you ever cross her path. And she apparently likes to cross mine allot. The rest of her posy, well the look like mini Missy’s, and they dyed their hair blonde and got blue contacts.

There queen wannabe's and just as nasty, except Liss she's cool when the posy isn't around. Their names are Tracy, Cindy, Ashley, And Liss, Missy's twin sister.

Everyone was excited because we were getting a new male student.

(*Sam* hey this is where i come in(*Lily* Sam sweety don't interfer  we want them surprised(*Lucy* came on Lily give the guy a break he dosn't want to be left out.(*Lily* come on i need to get back telling the story)

And the queen and her posy wanted first look.  But sorry to them I saw him first ...ok actually I saw his parents and baby sister, which as of tomorrow I babysit, but that’s’ the same thing right?

 Okay any way. He walked in the door it was love at first sight.

He had thick dark brown hair that curled over his ears and trailed over his shirt collar.

 And the most beautiful pair of moss green eyes, to die for, that also hid secrets.

(*Sam* really, you thought i beautiful eyes, i'm touched,(*Lily* don't get a big head)

He was muscular but not to muscular to be a football player. More like a swimmer or a baseball player.

  His lips, oh my, his lips were plush and very kissable looking if I do say so myself. 

 (*Sam* ohhh you wanna kiss me you wanna lo.......ouch! why did you hit me?(*Lily* be quite)

A gee I better stop thinking like that or I’ll blush.

 As he walks by my desk, he looks at me and I swear he must have red my mind because he winked at me. And while he looked at me, I mean really looked at me and it seemed time and sound stopped. I looked away first, And as he walks by, I smell something on him or maybe it’s my imagination, but I swear he smelled just like me a werewolf.


That day during school I saw him twice. And as Lucy and I are eating lunch we found out why, The evil cheer queen is trying to get him to ask her out, and by the looks of it.....oh my god, it looks like she struck out. "Oh my gods, Lucy you won’t believe this but Sam just told miss drama queen no" I told Lucy

" Ah WAIT what did you say, he told her NO, oh my skies the world as we know it has ended, as I always said the day a guy says no to Missy is the day the world went crazy, or was it that men have finally came to their sense’s? Ha-ha I made a funny." says Lucy

 (*Lucy* "starts laughing" come on it was funny)

"Oh god, Lucy he's walking over here" I said ah man what do we do, what can we do? ah ha "Lucy get up and start walking,

"Why, Lily?” Lucy asks

"Come on before he gets here and try to talks to us, and you know what would happen"   

" what?"

"Missy is what; she'll wonder why he's talking to us and not her. And we will be in deep trouble, that’s what." I start saying as I’m rushing her to hurry. We make it out the door by the time he reached our table.  


Sam is watching the girls hurry up on their leaving the lunch room as he's walking to them. So he decides to slow down and listen to his wolf's sensitive hearing, and does not like what he heard.

 "Oh god Lucy he's walking over here “says the brown haired girl, to apparently to thegirl named Lucy.

 "Lucy get up and start walking ...why lily....." Ah that’s her name....."Come on before he gets here and tries to talk to us,  And you know what would happen" There’s a long pause


 "No what...Missy is what, she’ll wonder why he's talking to us and not her, and we will be in big trouble, that’s what?"

(*Sam* you hurt my feellings,(*Lily* don't be a baby.)

The girl named Lily says as she gets out the door. He does not like this girl named Missy now anymore than he did when he first saw her.  All he wanted was to ask her when she was coming over to babysit my little sister Maggie. And know I find out she's afraid to talk because of something that scrawny little Missy would do. I’m thinking when I get a whiff of her scent, I mean Lily's scent, and was shocked to find out that she has the distinctive scent of a werewolf and chocolate chip cookies?..Hm...I’ll have to ponder that for awhile. 

(*Lucy* man you guys where so nuts back then, (*Lily&Sam* hey we where just young wolves, we didn't know much-anyway you drove us crazy with all your shenanigans,(*Arora* hey don't argue we're family)

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