005. && I Decided You Look Well On Me, Well On Me

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When we returned to the lads a few more females had joined the party. Well, three more to be exact. Each one of the band had a girl now, I guess that’s how it works for them, a conveyor belt of willing women.

Tom immediately spotted me, walked over to me with a smile on his face, he slid his arms around my waist. I almost flinched from his warm touch, damn it, I was really into this guy, or was it alcohol induced feelings??

The music had dramatically changed to sexy R&B, most of the party in the VIP area were partnered up and were moving to the sexy beats. I noticed Ava and Max looking a bit cosy too, I inwardly smiled seeing this as she’s having a good time without having to babysit me.

I grabbed my glass of champagne from Tom, took a sip, he then took it off me, put it down on the table much to my disappointment.

“Dance with me.” Tom whispered into my ear. His breath on my earlobe made my hairs stand on end. I looked him in the eyes, how could I say no to this man?

Touch Me Tease Me by Case was playing, and we started moving in time to the slow beats, I was very aware by the sexiness of the music, the lyrics, the dancing and Tom. The song faded out and into Bump N’ Grind by R Kelly, I had one arm around his neck and tried my best to concentrate on the rhythm but I could feel his eyes burning into me, taking in my moving body, I looked up and he licked his lips. Next thing I knew we were kissing, starting off slow with a slight nervousness to the kisses, then they started getting quicker and more urgent. My fingers were tangled in his hair, his hands were roaming all over my body. I abruptly pulled away, fully aware of where tonight was leading. He stayed silent but maintained eye contact with me, I was ready to go home right now.

Tom led me to a secluded booth where no one was around, he sat down and pulled me next to him, almost on top of him. He pulled me towards him and suddenly my lips were on his again, less hasty than before, but still greatly passionate, I swung my legs over his lap and his hands started running over my smooth legs, sending tingles up and down my body.

“Look, there they are!” I heard someone say in the background after a while, Tom must have heard it too as we simultaneously broke away and looked over to where they voice had come from.

“Busted!!!” It was Ava and Max with big grins on their faces as if they had struck gold, Ava was holding her phone up, she must have taken a picture. Great.

“Dude, we are going now.” Max shouted over to us, slinging his arm around Ava’s shoulders, happiness showing all over her face.

I stood up and walked over to them, Tom followed suit.

“Where you going?” Tom enquired. His hand found mine and our fingers entwined. More tingles.

“Back to ours with Ava, I don’t know where the others are going, I think onto another club,” Max shrugged.

“Do you want to go home babe?” Tom asked me, nuzzling into my neck.

I was just about to say I didn’t mind, but I knew I did. I didn’t want to go anywhere apart from mine or Tom’s bed.

“Yes, I want to go home,” I started, whispering back to him, “But only if you come with me,” I raised an eyebrow, a grin broke out on his face, it was contagious, I was grinning too.

“That’s the best idea I’ve heard all night.” He responded, and kissed me on the cheek.

We followed Max and Ava towards the exit of the club, saying bye to the rest of the group on the way.  Just before we got into the entrance area, Max stopped in his tracks and turned out to face us all.

“The paps are outside.” He said looking at Tom.

“Fabulous.” Tom sarcastically replied. “Ok, girls, just walk, follow us straight into the cars waiting,” He instructed Ava and myself. We both nodded understanding but both looking a bit apprehensive.

Max turned round and opened the doors for us. He and Ava went first, Tom and I followed a bit behind. It was unreal, the flashes of the cameras were as intense as strobe lights and really affected my vision, thankfully Tom was still holding onto my hand to guide me through the rabble. The paparazzi were shouting and scrambling to get the picture, they were asking who I was, it was constant questions being shot at Tom; the experience was so daunting and terrifying.

As we walked further down the street to the awaiting vehicles the paparazzi died down and I could now see my best friend walking on her own, Max was a fair few paces in front of her, and yet Tom’s hand was still grasped tightly round mine.

Two impressive cars were waiting, Max climbed into one, Ava turned round waved and blew a kiss to me, I reciprocated. She climbed in next to Max and the vehicle drove off. Tom and I climbed into the one still waiting and we closed the door. I gave the driver my post code and we sped off towards my apartment in Battersea.

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