008. Cry Your Tears On My Shoulder

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I burst into tears, and sat there sobbing for a good while, until Ava got back.

“Hey people!” She said cheerily. She opened my door and her face fell. She ran over to me and gathered me into a hug. “Ry what’s up chicka?” She asked, smoothing down my hair.  I carried on blubbing until I finally found the strength to stop and tell her.

“We didn’t use any protection last night.” As soon as I said it I started bawling again.

“Ohhh Ry, so where’s Tom?” She demanded.

“He said some horrid things to me so I told him to get out.” I said between sniffles.

“What a twat. Let me guess, it wasn’t his responsibility?” I nodded pathetically. “Ok, babe, it’s ok, sssssh... Here’s what we are going to do, you jump into the shower, get yourself freshened up and we will pop down to the chemist once you’re ready. It will be ok,” She said soothingly rocking me back and forth. I really hoped she was right.

I forced myself to walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on. I stood there leaning on the sink, staring into the mirror, I suddenly realised it had steamed up and I could no longer see my own eyes burning into me. I stepped into the hot shower and made myself push any thoughts about this morning out of my head. I scrubbed my whole body in an attempt to make the memory of Tom’s touch disappear. Needless to say, it didn’t work, flashbacks of last night kept flooding my brain and I ended up with red skin.

I walked into my bedroom, quickly dried myself, pulled on my favourite hoodie and jogging bottoms, brushed my hair and put it up in a lazy ponytail while it was still damp. I didn’t bother with any make up.

I trudged down the corridor to find Ava, I heard her giggling behind her bedroom door, I stood and listened for a while. Nosiness getting the better of me.

*laughing* at least you’re finally up, anyone would think you had a hard night last night... Max!! ... You know I’m not that type of girl... Yes I did have a good night... I’d love to do it again... Max!! *more giggling*  The tone then changed  Well to be honest, if that’s how he treats a girl then I don’t care if he’s in a bad mood... Why can’t he just admit he fucked up... It’s disgusting the way he’s just up and left... Ok, but don’t you blame her for telling him to get out after what he said to her... He doesn’t even know her, Max, and she’s going through a hard time at the moment. And to be honest even if she did put it out a bit, which she doesn’t, but if she did, it would be nothing compared to the amount of girls he shags... I could strangle him right now... Max, it’s not funny... He’s hurt my girl, and that is never ok... Ooh, gotta go, byeee.

“Who was that?” I enquired as I entered her room, and sat on her bed hugging her Me To You bear.

“Oh, just Max.” She said dismissively. I looked at her and she shrugged. “No one interesting,” She lied. I know her, and I know she was dying to chat about him until I was bored to tears.

“Shut up Ave, you can talk about him you know.” She half smiled at me.

“Come on then sugar, lets get you sorted,” We both walked out her room, I grabbed my purse and phone on the way out.

We turned right out of the complex and headed towards the small row of shops which were further down the road. We walked together in silence, we were both tactfully trying not to say anything.

We entered the chemist and I walked up to the counter. No one was in the shop thankfully. I had to wait a few moments before an older lady came to serve me.

“Yes, can I help you?” She said in a high pitched voice.

“Can I have the morning after pill please?” I requested quietly. Her expression changed, and the look on her face said it all. She too was disgusted by me. She had probably seen young girls like myself, day in day out, asking for the same thing. She pursed her lips together as she went through a doorway into the back of the shop. She swiftly returned with a clipboard and a white box in her hand.

“Follow me please.” She said strictly. I did as I was told, and followed her behind a sectioned off cubicle, separated by a curtain. Considering I was 23, and had been through more scary things than this, but I was absolutely crapping myself.  She sat down on one side of the narrow table, I sat opposite her. “Right, your name please?” She asked me, pen poised to her paper awaiting my response.

“Ryleigh Brookes,” I said weakly.

The questions kept coming – Date of Birth, Address, Why do I need the morning after pill, How many hours since I had unprotected sex, Why am I not using birth control, etc... Every question she shot at me, I flinched, just give me the pill I thought. Eventually the woman stood up and opened the curtain so we were in the main chemist now, I followed her lead. “...so take the first pill now and take the second pill in twelve hours time...” She instructed me, but I barely caught what she said. Standing in the middle of the store staring right at me, Scott. All thoughts flew out of my head, Ava noticed and walked over to me.

“That will be £24.00 please Miss Brookes,” The Chemist informed me. I absentmindedly paid her three ten pound notes, she quickly gave me my change and handed me the pills in a bag. Ava tugged my arm and pulled me out of the Chemist. We heard the door open behind us, we both turned around and Scott had followed us out.

“Were you just buying the morning after pill?” Scott demanded.

“What’s it to you?” Ava stepped up, arms folded giving him daggers.

“I wasn’t talking to you Ava. Ryleigh?” He turned and looked at me.

“Yes I was.” I grabbed encouragement from somewhere to answer him.

“What?! We split up less than a fortnight ago, and you’re sleeping around so much you have had to get emergency contraception???” He scoffed.

“First of all, you have no right to even talk to me, let alone question me. Second of all, you don’t know me, you never did. And lastly, you broke up with me, because you found someone better, so you have no right to be concerned with my business.” I said scowling at him.

“No, I knew it all along, you’re a slut who can’t keep her legs shut for longer than two minutes.” He came back viciously.

“And how the fuck would you know? I kept my legs shut while I was with you, so I didn’t have to have sex with you!” And with that I turned on my heel and headed back towards my apartment.

Ava quickly caught up with me and linked my arm.

“Slut!!!” We heard Scott shout from outside the shop, where we left him. We both laughed and carried on home.

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