Lisa Marie, Drama, Evil and Heartache, A Happy Ending?

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Lisa Marie: Roger makes sure that this time we separate them forever. Are your new men ready when I need them?

Roger: Don’t worry. We are ready. When do you want to move in?

Lisa Marie: Not for a while. I need to make sure that I get Pierre’s money first let them be happy and think I am gone then I will strike when they least expect it. Michael will be mine or he will die. I am done playing nice with them. Game on! Laughing.

Roger: You know I don’t like you being with Pierre!!

Lisa Marie: Oh baby! You know I still want you. It was necessary or we both would be homeless. You know the money is gone and Pierre is so rich. We need his money to survive until I can get Michael’s money and his precious Neverland. Then we will be set forever because I will get all his royalties due to communicable property laws in California. In such a short time I got Pierre to fall in love with me. Being the daughter of Elvis Presley does have many advantages and he was a fan of my fathers so it worked out to our own advantage baby. Within 3 months Pierre will be dead and I will inherit his billions and his island. Everything Roger baby and we will have so much fun too spending it!

Roger: I can’t wait baby. Lisa? I want you so bad. My dick is hard just thinking about you.

Lisa Marie: Good, keep it that way soon, you will feel me wrapped all around it baby. So good…mmmmm….laughing… When we move on Michael, remember I want to crush his heart, destroy him privately and publicly as well as emotionally, take all from him, leave him a broken useless man. If he chose me to begin with this would not be happening to him and we would be set already baby. But stupid Michael he chose “His Angel” instead, His Bitch! Now, I will have him and they will be no more. Be ready when the time comes, both will regret it. Michelle the bitch will die and Michael will be a worthless outcast

Roger: You have the photos I sent you for that?

Lisa Marie: Laughing, You think I am stupid? Of course I do. Just be ready. I will call you in a few days.


Lisa Marie: OH PIERRE MY LOVE!! Faking heartbreak. WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME SO SOON!! I LOVE YOU!! COME BACK!! Al the while Lisa is thinking, good I have billions at my disposal to ruin Michael with it if he won’t come to me, then I will end him!

Roger: You know Michael and that Michelle are going to be getting married soon?

Lisa Marie: When I get through with him, his career, money and his life, his angel will be gone and the wedding ain’t going to happen…EVER!!

Roger: So when do we make our move?

Lisa Marie: Soon Roger hold your damn horses! I want his destruction and heartbreak to be so intense he will never be able to survive it. His angel will be just that, his angel…HIS DEAD ANGEL!! Both laugh sinisterly as they both fall into bed and make love to each other.

Roger: God I miss this you are a real tasty bitch Lisa…mmmmmmmmmmmm…

Lisa Marie: And your dick feels so good and is so much more bigger than Michael’s and satisfying…..mmmmmmmmmmm..Fuck me baby!! Fuck me good! I love all the dirty little things you do to me. …turn me on baby. Lisa thinks that’s not entirely true. Michael is an awesome lover and he is actually bigger 14 inches to be exact bigger than Roger but he made his choice and I have made mine and now Michael will pay for it. That I promise!


Michelle: Oh Michael, I am so happy. You are such a wonderful man.

Michael: and you are my beautiful angel. I love you so much Michelle. Thank you for loving me, loving just Michael. He bends and kisses me softly, wrapping me in his arms

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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