That Morning

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Yo!! I'm back with a new chapter hehehheh ☺️ I hope y'all enjoyed the previous one(?) KEKEKEKE ok now onto the story
Reader's POV

" Wow F/N-chan!! Your new school uniform looks really good on you!!" my Mum said, grinning at me from ear to ear as she watches me settling myself at the table for breakfast before heading to my new school.

I've always lived with my Mum, just the 2 of us. Dad had ran away from home when I was at a really young age, none of us actually exactly knew why he ran away. Therefore, my Mum took over both roles of Dad and Mum. She was always excited for the little and big achievements I achieve over the pass 15 years of my life.

"Oh. Thanks Mum," I said while I started to eat the sandwish she prepared infront of me. While eating the sandwich, I glanced over to my phone on my other hand and realised the time, I WAS GONING TO BE LATE. ' Shitballs! ' I cursed to myself while stuffing the entire sandwich in my mouth while hastily looking for my school bag. "BYE MUM!" I said while rushing to the doorway to slip on my school shoes and ran out of the house while hearing a faint bye behind me.

I got out of the apartment building and started brisk walking to school. After a five minute walk, I reached my new school. Two girls who I assumed who are school councillor members greeted the new year ones at the entrance as they walk in. I was greeted with two warm smiles and a happy 'welcome' from both the girls, 'ok everything's going well so far' I thought to myself as I was looking for my class. While on the search of my class, I happened to walk pass the year two classrooms.

I was about to turn to the staircase at the other end of the corridoor when I was met with someone who bumped into me while walking up the stairs. I fell onto the ground, the person who bumped into me quickly came over, apologised to me countless of times when suddenly the apologies stopped and continued with "Eyh!? L/N-chan! I didn't knew you were coming to Karasuno! Why didn't you tell me!?" said by a familiar voice.

"Huh??" I said and when I looked up to meet a worried (yet cute HEHEHE) and concerned Noya who stretched his hand expecting me to grab onto it so he could pull me up. I immediately grabbed his hand while blushing profusely, he then started talking alot about Karasuno and how I didn't inform him that I got into the school when he suddenly asked " So L/N, do you want me to show you around after school? " Noya offered when I was about to head back finding my class.

I turned my head away to hide my beet-root red face and replied with a quick 'sure' before running away immediately to cover up my face of embarrassment(<<isit?? HAHHAH idk sorry guys)

That was the start of something new.

So how was it? HAHAHAHA sorry for the lack of updates but here's a new chapter!! ☺️😛

Sigh school just started for me :'( so do accept my apology for the lack of updates in the future!!

- Author-chan~~

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