chapter 2

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As we sat there looking at each other i could see nick get angryer and angryer by the second. it made want to laugh little bit because of how cute he looked when he was mad. we had skiped two classes all ready because he wouldn't let me leave and im sure we would have been there all night if a teacher that was leving said we had to leve befor it got dark. 

"your going to tell me when we get home what ever it takes your telling me" nick said as we were coming out of the school 

"and what if i dont want to tell you then what are you going to do" I asked knowing it was going to have something to do with tikeling me. Nick came in front of me and held my hands making me stop walking I looked at him with a poseled look and he smiled and gave me a hug and said "well im going to beg you and beg you and tell you that i won't get mad at you what ever it is in always here for you and if that dosn't work im probley going to give you a really sad face" he laughed when he said the last part oh my god how i love his laugh it was so hot it made everyone smile when he laughed because it was that hot. Oh how I wished he was mine so i could kiss him right now but at that moment that was not inportent the importanet thing was that i had to A. figer out if i wanted to tell nick how i really felt and B. if i wanted to how i was going to tell him or if i wasn't going to tell him i had find a way to stop liking him wich was going to be exctremly hard no matter what i chose. standing there at that moment i made my mind up i was going to tell him that i was in love with him i was still a little scared that he did't feel the same way but it didn't matter if he didn't feel the same way as long i got to get it out. "Nick i have something i need to tell you but your not alowed to say anything tell im finished ok" i said sudenly keching him a little off  gared

 He looked at are interlooked hands and then smiled "I promes i won't say a singel word tell your done"

I took a deep breath and looked up at him i was really going to do this wow was i crazy but here gose nothing" well nick umm theres something i'v thought for a really long time and i feel like you should know and im a little scared that you won't feel the same but here it is nick I love you"

He looked at me for a long time I couldn't really tell if he was super excited, confused, or mad I side let go of his hands and went to walk away i need to go home where i could think about what i just did to are friendship god how stupid was I. as soon as i started to walk away nick grobed my sholder spun me around so i was facing him and looked in my eyes. i looked down at the grownd not really wanting to look at him but he put his hand to my chin and lifted it so he could look in my eyes we stood like that for a moment and then he kissed me. inside i started to frek out OH MY GOD NICK WAS KISSING ME i scremed in my head it felt so right like we had been doing this are hole life. i broke the kiss a lend my fore head agent his "wow" he said "that was.. that.. it felt so........ right" he siad again in between breths I blised and smiled up at him.

"I know" i said "so what do we do from here" looked up at him more siros this time

"I love you too and im telling you right now that i will never let you go your the best thing i think that will ever happen to me" and with that he kissed me again then broke it and with that we walked home holding hands and luaghing about all the things that had happend today.

********* The Next Day**********

I woke up and wondered if it was all just a dream. if everything that had happend was real. i sat up and looked around my room it was kind of little kidish the walls where white with stuff from when i was I was kid like photos, meteles, and stuff my friends gave me. I stopped when i came to a little glass snowflake that was sitting on my dresser I smiled. nick gave it to me when i turned 15. i was taken out of my thought when my phone virbrated i grabed it to see who it was. It was my friend alex asking what happend because I wasn't in class after lunch. so that part was really but what about the reast. I sat down my phone after I told alex where i was after lunch. I sat there for a min disiding if i really wanted to get out of bed or not it was saterday after all so i didn't really have to get up. so i layed back down and shut my eyes and soon feel asleep three min after I feel asleep someone came in and jumped on me i looked up and saw nick staring at me i laghed and fell back on my bed and covered my head. after a while of him just sitting there he riped the blanket off my head and then kissed me. after a few secodes we pulled apart. he layed down next to me.

"so do you think we should tell the rents" he said looking at me 

"hmmmmm idk what do you think they would say" i questioned 

"idk its up to you"

"i don't think we should not just yet" 

"and why is that" 

"well first of all we would never be alond haha and secondley i wouldn't be abel to do this" 

with that he kissed me for a long time we just sat there kissing eachother 

"i know exactly what you mean and don't take this the wrong way but can you leave" i asked 

he looked up at me and gave me a wired look i laughed and said "i just want you to leave so i can change and then we can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want to" 

with that he got up kissed me and walked out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2012 ⏰

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