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Today I don't have dance. Thank goodness because I'm so fricken sore :/ When I was eating my breakfast Toby texted me. Oh and I got Connor and Riley's number too so did Autie and Sarah.

T:Toby & J: Janine

T:Hey Janine I was wondering if you would like too hang out today?:)

J:Hi! Sure:) What time? And where?

T:Maybe in like 20-30 minutes? And uh Starbucks:3

J:Okay and of course you chose Starbucks haha. You're lucky I love that place:)

T:Yay! Twins! We both love Starbucks! Well I'll come over to your house in about 30 mins. And we walk there together. K?

J:hahaha and KK. See ya later:)

T:See ya:)


Dang.. This boy really loves his Starbucks hahaha. So I got ready and put a Black crop top that has an infinity sign and says Refuse To Sink and Black high waist shorts with a cardigan. I then go straighten my dark purple hair since its really wavy and kinda frizzy in the morning. I put some money in my pocket and go down stairs to put my shoes on, which are black high top converse. I go watch TV for little bit and then I hear the doorbell and I turn the TV off and go answer it. I open the door And it's Toby.

"Hey Janine. You ready?" he asked me.

"Yup. Let's go" I say.

Then we walked to Starbucks which is luckily really close:) When we walk inside I order a Vanilla Bean Frappicino, with two scoops of Java Chips, 1 pump of Hazelnut Syrup, and half a pump of Mocha Syrup. (a/n Yeah it's pretty complicated but it's SOO GOOD!! You should try it!)

"Geez woman" Toby says and I laugh.

Then he orders his drink and I was about to pay for my drink but then Toby gave money already-.-

"You didn't have to do that" I say.

"Yeah but I wanted to" He said back.

"Ugh now I feel like one of those girls in fanfics {a/n ;)} I said.

"Hahaha good;)" He said.

Janine and Toby your drinks are ready" The barista says.

Then Toby and I get our drinks and sit at an empty table.

"So Janine, Tell me about your self. I wanna get to know you better" Toby said with a smile.

"well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Do you play any sports besides Dance?" He asked.

"Yeah basketball, football, and soccer" I said

"wow.." He said and I chuckled.

"Who's your favorite McDonough?" He asked.

"Uhh I don't know.." I said.

"Is it me??" Toby asked

"Maybe.." I said

"Please tell me" He he said with a puppy eyes. Dang it how can you say no to that•__•

"Okay fine. To be honest its actually you" I said

"Oh really? YAY!" He shouted and a couple people looked at us and we laughed.

After a while of talking and getting to know each other better, Riley Called Toby and he answered. After he was done Toby said that he need to get home because Riley, Connor, Braiden, Thomas, and Chris had some good news to tell him. Hmm I wonder what? Ehh I'll find out later.

When we got to his house, we walked in and went into to the living room.

"Okay Toby GUESS WHAT!" Connor shouted.

"WHAT" Toby shouted back.

"WERE GOING ON ANOTHER TOUR!" Braiden Shouted. Oh wow he's usually quiet hehe.

"Wait seriously!?! With who?!?" Toby asked

"5 Seconds Of Summer" Chris said. Wait. What. OMFG they are going on tour with 5SOS?!? Lucky butts!!-.-

"WOW LUCKYS! I love them so much!!" I said letting my inner fangirl mode out.

"hahaha. Wait but are there any other opening acts besides us?" Toby asked

"Yeah. Megan & Liz." Connor said

"I love them too! Ugh u guys are lucky!" I said and they all laughed.

"And they also said that they need one more opening act, so anyone know any good bands? Besides One Direction! Cuz they obviously can't go." Connor said while looking at me:3

"Wow you read my mind" I said to him.

" I'm so magical" He said flipping his invisible long hair. Hahahaha.

"wait does it have to be a band?" Thomas asked

"well idk, I guess not. Why? Who do you have in mind Tommy?" Connor asked

"1st, don't call me that. And what about a dance group?" Thomas said

"Like who?" Riley asked

"Janine, Sarah, and Autumn!" Thomas said

"Wait what? Me??" I asked

"Ooo yeah that's perfect! And can you guys sing too??" Toby asked

"Uh I guess??" I said

"okay Im gonna call 5SOS's manager and ask. And if they say yes call Sarah and Autumn" Connor said

"KK" I said

Oh. My. Gosh. I might go on tour with 5SOS, BYE, and Megan & Liz!!!! |fangirl mode on!| :D

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