Starting the day

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Victorias pov

I wake up to my phone ringing it was Mrs. Rowland she asked me to watch Ashton since the boys are going out and her and Mr. Rowland are going on their anniversary. I wanted to say no but I said yes for some reason. I go down stairs to go tell my mom I'm going to babysit Ashton and when I get down there I see brandon and he was playing video games with my brother. I tell my mom and I get ready to go to their house. After I get dressed I hear a knock on the door it was Brandon. I open the door and he says "hey" and i said "hi what are you doing here" "oh I came to talk to you but I started play video games with my brother" he said "oh ok about what" I ask. He said " well I was wondering since you are going to be babysitting my brother I was think if I could have a little friends over" I say "sure."

He leaves and I finished getting ready to go over there.

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