"The date"

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I woke up and was so happy. I was getting ready for out date today. I got in the shower and put on my favorite clothes.

I was eating some food when I heard my door bell ring.

It was the cops they said that brandon got hurt and he is in the hospital. I asked the cops if I could go and visit him and they said that I could. My mom took me to the hospital where he was staying.

I ran in and his parents were there right beside him. I sat right next to him and started crying. He held my hand. I asked his parents what happened and they said he was on his way over to my house and some kids just started beating him up. They said it was kids around our grade. They showed me a picture and it was my two ex boyfriends. I told him that he would be ok and that I love him.

I left and ran over to my exs house went in his house and smacked him. I asked him why he was doing that to my boyfriend and he said that be was jealous and wanted me still. I told him that I didn't want him and I loved brandon. I left his house with anger.

~im sorry this chapter seems a little long I will try to make them shorter~

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