The Next Day

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I woke up to a message from my phone saying "hey beautiful" from brandon. I said hey back because then he will be waiting for ever for me to message back.
He asked to come over to my house and I said yes so he can meet my crazy family.

I hear that door bell ring and I ran to the door. He was standing there and I couldn't help but stare. He came in and met my crazy family. He was like you have a big family and I said yeah i know. We went to my brothers room so my brother could meet my boyfriend. All day they were gaming but I was there so I got to spend time with him.

We left the room to eat and as soon as we did my dad got home from work. My dad liked him and told me that he liked him and to hold on tight to him. We were eating and my mom asked how we met and I said when I went over to babysit for Mr and Mrs Rowland and they understood.

After we were done eating I walked with him to his house. He told me that he had already met my family. I looked so stupid and he started laughing so I did too. We got to his house and he gave me a hug bye and I kept taking and somehow I stop. I felt warm lips against mine and he pulled away and he thought that was going to get made so he ran up to the porch. I ran up and turned him around and yanked him in for a kiss. We kissed for about 2 min till I pulled away. He went inside and I went home. I ran inside my house and laid down on my bed and couldn't stop smiling.

~thanks for reading my book if I made a mistake plz put in the comments below and what u think about this chapter.~

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