the beasts

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Only five of the tailed beasts were in the battle they had to wait until the other four for there, was five of them enough to hold off or kill one, well only time could tell. Nine separated into two entities, the first had red chakara and the second had purple, the seconds chakara was incredibly unstable, and a small shadow connected the two. They darted back and forth. Until the purple one split off a fox that his on its back.

The beast swung at the redone, while the purple one grabbed its neck while the fox jumped off onto the beast. The purple one was throne off, and the red one was hit. The fox quickly burrowed its way into the beast before exploding. The two halves refused jumping back. When the smoke cleared, half of the beast stood there, but its body slowly regrew. By then 1-4 showed up but five was missing.

"Where is five?" Eight asked.

"Uncounisous, we will have to proceeded without him," one said. Nine nodded, then he began formatting his plan. Then he split into three. Just as the moon was rising.

"Pour your chakara into me, as much as you can, but save some," blue nine said. Red and purple began swarming, the beast. Red used all of his chakara dispating leaving shikamaru with a giant resangun. He charged the beast, who blocked it with his arm but the arm was destroyed. Shikamaru began to in back, purple griped the beast then exploded leaving the beast mangled but regrowing, it looked up and saw a tailed beast shurakin flying his way and when it hit blew up then left millions of microscopic cuts killing him.

"WE DID IT!" Yelled a shinobi. They began celebrating but to early. Just then another beast fame charging in, with one swipe killed a hundred shinobi. the TBA knew they were doomed, but nine looked at the sky getting an idea, the two split choji stayed to fight the beast while shikamaru went to talk to minato.

The tailed beasts were doing there best to restrain the beast, but at there weakened state and this beast was stronger they were failing. It would be a hour before they regained full power that is without using it. They used most of there chakara to blow back the beast then it started to charge chakara a huge black ball formed in front of them, it launched it would have killed them all.


Five appeared,

Blocking the ball it exploded on contact killing him, the man was dead but not the tailed beast it would reform in a few years. But this left the beast still alive but behind them they needed one word.

"Byakugun," then a force that appeared like waves hit the beast sending it back, they looked and saw a man with horn like things one his head, a long robe and staff. No one knew who he was but the tailed beasts and the sage of six paths.

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