Coffee shops and new feelings

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When I got home from my boring, uneventful shift from the coffee shop at 6pm, Justin had decided it was the perfect day to hibernate in his bed.

Usually the coffee shop was very popular on Satudays due to its location, and New Yorkers craving for coffee, but for some reason today people decided they didn't need coffee. From my shift which began at 11am, we had had no more than 20 customers, meaning the day was a drag.

I looked forward to getting home, so Justin could cheer me up, maybe play video games which I'm terrible at but it was always fun, or watch a movie, or even go out, but nope the boy decides to sleep.

I mean who's asleep by 6pm on a Saturday?

I took a long bubble bath and played relaxing music, quietly humming along which was a struggle in a face mask. Then I spent the rest of the night watching movies on Netflix and painting my nails and toenails.

The day was so boring that I fell asleep at 10pm, I'm not the most sociable person or a party animal, but 10pm on a Saturday night was embarrassing for someone of my age.


There was a quiet ding as I entered Starbucks, my eyes scanned the room before the settled on my co-worker Dan. He had asked for my number a few weeks ago, and texted me this morning asking to meet up. Justin was out probably at the studio, so I just decided what the heck.

Smiling I made my way over for him and took a seat, he handed me a coffee and I raised my eyes in surprise. "I just got you a regular Latte." He told me with I smile, I thanked him and took a sip. I was grateful, but slightly upset because I had been looking forward to having an iced coffee but I decided to not say anything.

I was surprised when Dan asked me out, because I never really bothered with people at work, I'd assumed they all thought I was a bitch. Plus since the magazine was a women's magazine I had, really stereotypically on my part, assumed that all the men would be gay.

"You looked beautiful on Wednesday." Dan told me. I looked up at him blushing slightly "Thank you, though I didn't see you." I said honestly.

"Yeah I was hanging around the bosses all night hoping to get a promotion." He chuckled "Was that guy your boyfriend?"

I raised my brows slightly, I was used to the question and used to answering, but why on earth would he think I'd be here with him if I had a boyfriend.

"Nope, we're just best friend." I told him.

Dan smiled for a second before his face turned serious "Are you sure?" I heard a glint of amusement in his voice "I mean usually men and women who are friends eventually end up having sex together."

I felt inclined to argue back with him, but realised I couldn't, me and Justin were eventually going to have sex together, not under normal circumstances, but never the less it was still about to happen.

Instead I have him a tight smile and nodded "Yup I'm sure."

Dan's face broke out into a smile "Good!" He exclaimed all too happily causing a strange feeling to set in my stomach.

I sat with him for about half an hour, sharing our lives with each other. I made an excuse about having to go see my parents so I could leave, I didn't really like him, he seemed too clingy and I had the feeling that if any thing ever happened he would have a major issue with Justin.


When I arrived home I headed straight to my bedroom and dropped my bag on my bed with a sigh. I slipped off my shoes, then my door was pushed open creating a swoosh on the carpet.

Justin popped his head inside chasing me to laugh lightly. "Where've you been?" He asked before stepping into the room. I quickly rid all my notifications on my phone before walking over to my night stand to plug the charger into it "With some guy from work, he wanted to get coffee." I told him.

I saw something flicker in his eyes and my brows furrowed slightly. "Oh okay." He mumbled. I used the hair tie on my wrist to put my thick hair into a pony tail "Yeah he kind of creeped me out though, I only went so it wouldn't be awkward at work like it would if I declined." I said with a light laugh, hearing Justin do the same.

I made my way to my dressing table and began tidying up the makeup which I had put on this morning since I didn't have time to do it then.

Suddenly I was ripped away from it, de ja vu, then I was pressed up against the wall. I felt Justin's breathe breathing heavily on my neck, the he nipped it lightly with his skin causing me to gasp.

"We said we wouldn't be with other people till this was over." He said in a low voice before smashing his lips against mine.

I immediately returned the kiss "I'm - not - with - him." I spoke between kisses, moaning as I felt his tongue against mine. Justin pulled away from me and began planting kisses along my neck and the top of my breasts, it felt so amazing. "Good." He whispered before picking me up and carrying me over to the bed.

He managed to keep his body against mine as he dropped us on the bed. I felt dizzy for a second as he flipped us over so I was on top before pulling me down to kiss him again. I felt my face warm up, I was sat directly on top of Justin's ...I could feel it pressed against my thigh.

Justin's fingers dug into my waist tightly, then slid down and grapes onto my ass. I stroked my arms up and down his abs and chest, already feeling a lot more comfortable causing me to smile.

Justin pulled my body against his causing my crotch to rub up against his. I gasped at the feeling, and pulled away to look up at Justin, his eyes were dark and it suddenly clicked, it was lust. He repeated the action, and I let out a gasp. His hands suddenly snaked around to the front of my jeans and popped open the button.

"Don't worry, these were just in the way." He told me even though I made no reaction, before helping me slide off my jeans. I felt slightly self conscious in my lace underwear, while Justin was in sweat pants, but then Justin moved my crotch against his again and I let out a moan.

He continually pushed my hips against his, both of us breathing deeply, then suddenly he pulled his hands away and I wanted to pout. "Take the lead." He said in a sexy voice that made me want to explode.

I bit my lip lightly before brushing my crotch against his, seeing the pleasure rush across his face encouraged me, so I began repeating the action. I dropped my head back in pleasure and rested my hands against his chest as I increased the pace.

Justin whispered curse words and let out quiet groans, while I moaned at the action. "Justin I-" I spoke suddenly feeling a strange feeling rise through my body. He smiled lazily and put his hands back onto my ass helping me keep up the pace "You're going to love this." He smirked.

My whole body was closed with pleasure as my head flew backwards and my back arched, my thighs shook slightly and I let out a long moan.

I painted slightly looking down at Justin who was smirking at me. I blushed.

Justin picked me up and sat me next to him "I need to... Fuck! I need to go finish!" He said standing from the bed.

My brows furrowed and I wondered if I wasn't good enough for him, Justin must've noticed this before he left.

"Don't worry, you were great, my experience just means I take a little longer, I'm not 16 anymore." He said before dashing out of the room.

I burst out laughing realising what he was about to do, and Justin yelled telling me to shut up before I heard his door slam loudly.

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