Chapter Six

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Bantay Belfry, November 7, 20XX

"Pictures of...?" The words slipped from her mouth, quiet and almost unheard She could feel her stomach sink with dread. Her body was weak and she crinkled her eyes. Victoria shook her head as if trying to coax a denial from him. "No...."

Patrick closed his eyes and let out a low hiss. He lifted a hand and ran it down his face, looking irritated as he leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms. "Shit."

She grit her teeth and clenched her hands. "Why? How?" She hoped for denial and confusion.

Instead, Patrick let out a heavy breath and frowned.

"Let me explain first. Marina said that since I was close to you and Kuya Mike, I would be able to get photos for an article a journalist friend of hers was working on."

Victoria's eyes widened. She opened her mouth, but was cut off.

"I'm not done! Several months ago, Tatay hurt his back and couldn't work. Janelle is still in high school, so she can't work, and Chris and Connor are still in primary. Nanay and I had to pay for the bills."

She nodded, remembering being with Patrick at the Starbucks by her hotel during her break when his younger sister called, in tears, that their father was hurt. Victoria gave him whatever money she had on her at the time and told him to go to the hospital where his family was and that she'd come as soon as she could.

"Was it not enough?" Victoria asked. She didn't usually come out so direct about a touchy subject, but she didn't have time to guess.

"His injury put him out longer than we thought. We couldn't keep asking relatives for money-"

"Then why didn't you ask me?" Victoria frowned, realizing where this was going. "You know I would've helped."

"It was too embarrassing!" Patrick said, looking offended. "Janelle said to 'ask Ate Vic' and Nanay was horrified. We weren't married and they hadn't even met your family-"

"Still, if only as a friend, I would've helped-"

"I'm not going to ask you for money!" Patrick's face was red. "It was humiliating enough knowing that you made more money than me already! Did you want me to come begging, too?"

She couldn't understand what was he was saying. What did making more money have anything to do with it? She was his girlfriend and at that point, had been so for some time. She would've gladly helped, especially when she was in a position to do so.

"What does that matter?" Victoria asked. "So what if I make more? Why's that so embarrassing?"

"Because I'm the man and I'm supposed to make more to take care of you!" Patrick threw his arms in the air. He shot her a glare. "You don't get it! You never did! You never thought about how I felt knowing you made more."

She blinked. Plenty of women in her family made more than their spouses; she had no reason to think it was odd. "I didn't care that I made more."

"I did." Patrick scowled, bitterness lacing his voice. "Everyone knew. Of course a manager working at a high class hotel would make more than someone working at a day spa. Even Marina understood. That's why she put me in contact with her friend at a magazine and they were going to pay me for the pictures. When I was following Kuya around, Marina said I could get more money from him directly."

Victoria crinkled her eyes, pained by his words and the blatant naivety and betrayal. She thought he knew better. Marina must've manipulated him.

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