Chapter Four

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Red Rum; cool name. Now let's see of they can play.

The guys on stage start playing a Black Eyed peas song with a little twist to it. I have to admit that that they're pretty good. After the BEP song they play Downtown Girl by Hot Chele Rae.

"I love this song!" I squeal, "lets dance!"

"No, I don't dance." He says giving his hands up.

"Oh, come on!"

"Nope sorry."

"Fine." I see Catrin heading up towards the dance space. "I'll go dance with Catrin since you're being mean."

I turn around after childishly poking my tongue out at Cayden. I run to catch up with Catrin. She's being pulled by a cute guy with spiky blonde hair and tight jeans towards the stage.

When I reach them I say "Hey Catrin! Mind if I join you guys?"

"Not at all darlin'!" She says and loops her arm through mine. "We're just going to dance!"

"Great! I love this song!"

"Who doesn't!" She says excitedly.

We reach the dance floor and start swaying and jumping to the music. When the song ends we all cheer and whoop. I walk up to the guy that was dragging Catrin along earlier.

"Hi, I'm Ever! I came here with Cayden, Catrin 's brother and I saw you two hanging out!" I say to him.

"Hey! I'm Sam!" He says, "you came here with Cayden?" The surprise is clear in his voice.

I nod and wonder why that's so surprising. I was under the impression that Cayden got a lot of attention from the female species. But that might be just me.

"Why is that so surprising?" I ask, curious.

"Oh, he just doesn't associate with a lot of people that's all." He says dismissively.

"Oh. Okay." Okay then... that's unusual. After our introduction the three of us danced for a couple more songs. All covers of popular contemporary and rock songs.

"Okay guys, we're gonna take a break and when we come back we're gonna play some original songs. So stay here, chat, mingle, fall in love. We don't care! Just have some fun! And we'll be right back!" Damon sets the microphone in the stage and exits the rickety stage.

"I'm gonna go see the boys!" Sam says.

"Have fun!" Catrin says, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up!" Sam yells and swats her arm before jogging of the side of the stage.

I follow him with my eyes and watch as he embraces the lead singer and promptly plants a kiss on his lips. My mouth drops open. Catrin looks in the direction my eyes are looking and laughs. "Hahaha yeah, there a couple. They both came out about a year ago even though most of us already figured it out." She chuckles and shares her head.

"Interesting." I say, "Hey, why do you have an accent but your brother doesn't?"

"Oh that? Well I used to live with our aunt Celia in Texas, and I guess the scent just kinda stuck."

"Sweet! I've always wanted an accent!"

"It's not as great as it sounds. People just give you more attention until they get used to it then they just ignore it. So yeah. It's not that bad but it's not the big deal that everyone thinks it is."

"Oh well that just takes the fun out of it!" I say jokingly.

Catrin laughs and links get arm with mine as we walk back towards the truck. When Red Rum comes back on again we lounge in the back of Cayden's truck, occasionally getting up and dancing. I don't know where Cayden is but it doesn't seem to be bothering Catrin so I try to let it go, but honestly my feelings are kinda hurt. Also I'm a little disappointed in him that he would just leave. I mean he did invite me to this thing! Shouldn't ha be keeping me company?

"Hey guys! Thanks for coming out to see us tonight! Or if you came to see the other bands; thanks for listening! Here is... Cabin 29!" Damon says from the stage and then the band exits.

"I'm gonna get Cayden's jacket from the cab. I think I saw one in there." In say to Catrin, is seriously cold right now!

"Sure thing sweetness!" She says with a wink.

As I had to the can of the truck I wrap my arms around my torso, shivering. When I get in I start searching for Cayden's jacket. I swear I saw him put one in here earlier.

By the time I find the jacket, put it on, make sure that I don't look like a freak, and then realize that I don't care the next band is on stage already and find setting up. I walk back to the nd of the truck fiddling with the bottom of Cayden's hoodie. It's huge on me. The sleeves go way past my hand and the end almost to the end of my skirt! It must be big on him because I'm not a tiny girl.

"They're about to start!" Catrin says excitedly when I reach the back.

"Sweetness!" I reply, jumping onto the back. "So do you know anyone in the band?" She gives me a funny look and nods slowly.

Okay then...

I look at the stage trying to figure out who Catrin knows. I run my eyes over the band. Nope. No clue. The singer is kinda cute with short blonde hair and nice arms. How is he not freezing? Anyways. The guy at the keyboard had short dirty blonde dreads and nice tan skin and the drummer is cute and fall. Who I'm guessing is the lead guitarist had his back towards the crowd. He's got a nice flip of brown hair and a great body. The guitarist guy turns around...

Oh. That's what the look was for.


Hello hello!

Update! Yay!

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Okay bye loves!!!

Love, Jader!

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