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Hoseok shivered in the rehabilitation room, his limbs exposed to the chilly air.

"Hyung." A small voice called out.

Hoseok opened his eyes to reveal Jimin towering over him pillow in hand. Sitting up Hoseok stared down Jimin with a curious gaze.

"Jimin? What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked furrowing his brows.

"It's time to go home Hyung."

At those words something sparked in Hoseok. He smiled slightly before lifting his pillow and smacking his younger friend over the head with it.

"What are talking about Jiminie, I am home." He replied in a daze.

Jimin turned his head to face his hyung. A frown worked his way onto his face as he grabbed the same pillow Hoseok was holding and smacked him with it.

"Stop being silly, everyone's waiting for us. We're finally allowed to leave." Jimin said grabbing onto Hoseok's arm, pulling him up and dragging him out of his room.

Hoseok continued to let Jimin drag him through security, reality had not yet caught up with him. His mind still thinking he wouldn't have to accept freedom. Jimin forced him to change into more suitable clothes before they both walked out to the reception desk. Hoseok watched Jimin rush their discharge papers, Jimin's small hands shaking with anticipation.

"All done." Jimin chimed handing the clipboard back to the nurse at the desk.

"Hope you're feeling better boys." She said before turning her attention back to her computer screen.

Jimin faced Hoseok with a grin on his lips. He turned to the exit and opened the door eagerly, breathing in the fresh air. He laughed finally feeling free, yet he felt like he was missing someone.

Jimin spun around to see Hoseok standing in the reception area, his hands in his pockets and his face directed to the ground.

"Hoseok-hyung what are you doing? It's time to go." Jimin said with a confused tone. Hoseok looked up at him, tears pricking at his eyes. He was about to break.

"What's the point in me leaving?!" Hoseok shouted "Nothings out there for me, I have no where to go. My mother left me, my father hates me and the one woman I truly loved is gone forever-" his voice cracked as tears streamed down his cheeks, he fell onto his knees, holding his shoulders. The reception nurse was ready to call security before Jimin stopped her. 

"Hobi-hyung please," Jimin pleaded "I won't go by myself. I need you to be with me. We need you." Jimin himself keeled in front of Hoseok and pressed his forehead against Hoseok.

"Please," Jimin whispered out. 

Minutes past and Hoseok finally nodded and stood up, Jimin supporting him.

The two shuffled out towards a taxi.

"Lets see go see everyone." Jimin said once they were seated. Hoseok smiled warmly and nodded.

"Thank you for helping me breath."

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