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"Isla" I faintly heard someone say in a distance "Isla honey wake up" this time it was a bit louder. I slowly opened my eyes seeing my dad in front of me.

"Dad?" My voice was shaky as I tried to look around the other people around me still a blur.

"Yes honey I'm here. Daddy's right here" he said reassuringly

As the people came into focus I saw Alpha Xavier kneeling next to with Mason and Derek standing over me. Mason looking at me with a worried look suddenly everything came back to me and I quickly sat up coming face to face with Asher who I hadn't seen was kneeling next to my Dad.

"Are you ok?" asked Asher

"I.. I " I tried to find my words his gaze caused tingles all over my body "I don't feel well Dad can I go home?" I turned to my dad and he just nodded. Alpha Xavier and my dad helped me get up and walked me towards a door in the back. A car was already waiting for us so I got in with my dad and we went home. Dad called mom on the way and told her to come home immediately by the tone of his voice I knew this wasn't going to end well for me.

At home dad asked me if I needed help going to my room I shook my head and silently upstairs. I closed the door behind me and leaned against the door. What had just happened? Mason was supposed to talk to Derek about us we were finally going to be together. I felt like someone had turned my life upside down I didn't know what to do or where to go from here. I heard a knock and I slowly opened the door, my mom and dad both were standing outside.

"Can we talk for a sec?" My dad asked. I just opened the door all the way and sat on my bed.

"Mind telling me what happened back there?" My dad asked with his hands in his pockets with a stern look on his face.

"Mind telling me" I just said back

"This isn't a joke, Isla" he said in an angry tone

"I'm not" I really wasn't joking. My dad pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Isla, Asher is your mate. He is not a normal werewolf he is an alpha your attitude won't go down well with him" warned my dad

"What if I don't want an alpha for a mate?" I said in a low voice but they still heard me and seemed confused by my answer. After a few seconds my mom spoke up.

"This is about Mason isn't it?" She asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"What about Mason?" My dad asked furiously. My mom just ignored him.

"Honey he isn't your mate you know that don't you" She said reaching out for my face and putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. I couldn't answer my eyes just welled up with tears.

"That's enough of this pack your things you'll be leaving soon with Asher" ordered my dad

I look at my mom in desperation I didn't want to go. I couldn't leave my home and my pack. As I started to plead with my parents to let me stay someone knocked on the door.

My dad opened it to see Derek standing there.

"Do you mind if I had a little talk with Isla, Mr.Mathews" he asked my dad

"No no of course not. Come in Alpha" my dad let in Derek and then left with my mom in tow.

It had barely been two hours since Derek became Alpha but he was already different. He had an air of authority around him he was no longer the old goofy Derek. He calmly sat down next to me with a sad expression on his face and engulfed me into a hug. Old Derek was still there somewhere inside of that hard exterior.

"Didn't think I'd get into such a huge predicament merely hours after becoming alpha" he said into my head

That made me chuckle. "With friends like us who needs enemies right" my smile quickly faded. "How's Mason?" I asked

"He's.." he paused before continuing "He'll be fine"

"Where is he?" I asked through tears

"At the pack house. Isla.." he started saying but was lost for words "I love you both and care about you alot I would do anything for you guys but I can't support you when you're in the wrong. You have a mate now he is the one rightfully destined for you please stop fighting it and accept fate as is" he stood up and let out a great sigh at the end.

I remained quiet looking at the floor as tears fell down my cheeks.

"And if you choose to continue on with Mason I'm afraid then there's no place for you both in the pack" said Derek with solemn face

I looked up in shock

"But Mason, he's your beta!"

"And my best friend" he added "but I have to think of the pack first and Asher will definitely go to war with us if I keep you here and you know this pack better than me Isla they're not going to support something that's against their beliefs"

"This wasn't supposed to happen" I started sobbing "we were supposed to be together after today"

"Isla what are you talking about?" Derek asked

"Mason was going to tell you about us after the ceremony with your support we'd finally become public then in a few months during the lunar eclipse we were going to perform this ceremony that would finally bind us together but now..." I began to sob loudly into my hands. Derek knelt down in front of me.

"Look at me Isla" Derek said cupping my face "I know you're hurting right now. I know this sucks but please I beg you to end this. I'll tell you this much whatever happens you'll be fine in the end because your mate is an alpha and you're the luna of his pack but Mason" he paused "they won't let Mason live. Asher will personally rip him apart if you don't end this now"

"No! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to him" I said through tears

"I know. Asher wanted to take you with him now but I convinced him to take you tomorrow pack your stuff you'll be leaving early tomorrow" he said standing up

"Please Derek just let me see him one last time and I promise I'll leave tomorrow with Asher" I begged Derek

He nodded his head and took out his phone.

"Eric bring Mason over to the park. I'll be there in five minutes" he hung up and told me come along.


Kind of late for it but picture of Marie up top

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