Chapter five: Their point of view

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   I sat in my quiet dark cave, shifting uncomfortably in my chair of stone. The familiar walls looked down upon me, and although I had been here for more than a century, they still felt dangerous, as if they were closing in upon me, ready to crush me at any given moment. Suddenly, a tremor went through me, and a bright light flashed in front of my eyes, filling my vision with spots. A scene erupted in front of me, a landscape of red and black, flames billowing up from the ground and thin trees waving in a soft wind. A figure was walking through it all.They looked to be tall and thin, with a hunched back, striding quickly.  The vision zoomed in, and I saw that it was a girl. She had a narrow face, her pale skin looking out of place and snowy in such a warm and threatening area. Long black hair was back in a pony tail, pieces curling in the heat. Her sharp face was crunched in concentration. She looked determined, walking as if she had a purpose, although if she was in here it likely wouldn't last long. A simple cloth shirt, and pants adorned her, with a long black cloak tied around her neck and trailing down her back.I felt a stab of pity for her, my gut wrenching. The last time someone came in here, they never made it out... the vision ended all too quickly with all too much information left unseen. 

I shifted more in my stone imprisonment. All was dark, all was usual... Except I couldn't shake the feeling of events to come. Whether they were good or bad, I knew not.

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